Imperial History
Jennifer Dreighton
Report summaries of the INPO (Galactic Empire)
Edits to the orginal text are marked by color and brackets.
This is the list I kept of all changes in the Imperial navy fpor most of the Time that I was Director of the Imperial Naval Personnel Office (INPO). These summaries wree sent with the weekly reports to Grand Admiral Veynom and the Director of the Imperial Assignment Office (IAO), Kiie and later Ranma.
July 20th to 24th (to Kiie on July 25th) Contacted recruits Nimob Vultare Jospora Verkinex Assigned recruits Crewman Cador, assigned to 13th Company Crewman Zero, assigned to 13th Company Members of the Navy, which left us Other stuff Lord Darth Patrick Vader has a new e-mail-addy: [Mailaddress] (Misspelled his new address, when he tried to change it. So donīt be surprised. This mistake will be corrected ASAP.) Fl-Sgt Motti temporarily uses the address [Mailaddress] July 25th to July 30th (sent to Kiie and Veynom on July 30th) Contacted recruits Calion lancesab Dash Tremonti Drakken Assigned recruits Crewman Jospora, assigned to 12th Company Crewman Verkinex, assigned to 92nd Company Crewman Garm Munin, assigned to 53rd Company Lt-Cmdr John Swanson, assigned as CO 6th Fleet Ensign Grayson English, assigned as XO 6th Fleet Captain Smolens, assigend to 6th Fleet Captain Jake Kiltar, assigned to 6th Fleet Members of the Navy, which left us Lt Slayer, last assignment: XO 31st Recon Company Vel Quinsec, last assignment: XO 51st Company, changed to a NFG Ens Klev, last assignment: Naval Reserve Other Stuff: Lt Orisson, XO of 111th Fleet, was transfered to Naval Reserve Lt (jg) Havok, CO 11th Company, transferred to Naval Reserve Commodore Ratman, CO ICF, transfered to Naval Reserve Captain Durmin, XO ICF becomes CO of ICF GEsling promoted to Vice-Admiral, leads Naval Intelligence Fl-Sgt Arkady Alekseyev , XO 84th Company, promoted to XO of 8th Fleet and the rank of Ensign July 31st to August 4th (Sent to Col Kiie, GA Veynom and Fl-Sgt Todtstelzer on August 4th) Contacted recruits: Boo Veteran Zothip (contacted for the second time) Vad Corector (contacted for the second time) exarkun (contacted for the second time) Nimob Vultare (contacted for the second time) Assigned recruits: Drakken, assigned to Beta Company (3/8/1999) Dash Tremonti, assigned to 11th Company Jovakra Mirran, assigned to 11th Company (1/8/1999) Nimob Vultare, assigned to Naval Reserve Members of the Navy, which left us Crewman Bob Tarkin, assigned to 94th Company, left the Combine for personal reasons Ran Starlighter was expelled from the Empire. We droped a few members of the Navy for being inactive, having not registered with the Combine or not having created a character for weeks. They are: Crewman Toran Adun, CO 43rd Company Crewman Capital Ships, assigned to 91st Company Crewman Doopy Loopy, assigned to 94th Company Crewman EnsRism, assigned to 11th Company Crewman Momaw Nadon, XO 71st Company Crewman Player 9, assigned to 71st Company Fl-Sgt Shawn, assigned to 81st Company Crewman Stormtrooperman, CO 2nd Company Other Stuff Fl-Sgt Samurai became XO of 11th Fleet Lt-Cmdr Dreighton promoted to the rank of Commander The following members of the Navy have been relegated to Naval Reserve because of inactivity: Lt (jg) Ivy Jade, XO of 5th Fleet Cmdr Mandorallen, XO of 3rd Recon Fleet August 5th to August 10th (send to Kiie on August 10th, to Veynom and Todtstelzer on August 11th) Contacted Recruits Patrick Lane Grinch Raven Lockholme Darth Xorush Karrde Fusion Assigned Recruits: Crewman Palleoen, assigned to 13th Fleet Crewman Boo Veteran, assigned to 71st Company Crewman exar kun, assigned to 73rd Company Crewman Lane, assigned to 11th Company Crewman Nesto38, assigned to 83rd Company Crewman Game, assigned to 71st Company Crewman Walther, assigned to 94th Company Crewman Raven Lockholme, assigned to 72nd Company X CCommander does not accept handle. Crewman HaZe, assigned to 114th Company Crewman Walker, assigned to 81st Company Crewman Xavnar, assigned to 13th Fleet Crewman Karrde, assigned to 114th Company Members of the Navy, which left us Crewman Sparkticus, 114th Company, has been droped for inactivity Crewman Nightfall, 4th Company, has been removed from the Navy for inactivity Crewman SuperSabre, Epsilon Company, has been removed for not being a member of the Empire Other stuff: Lt Mango, CO of 82nd Company has been relegated to the Naval Reserve because of inactivity Crewman Brakiss, assigned to 4th Company, has been transferred to 2nd Company and made the CO of 2nd Company Crewman Dwarth, assigned to Alpha Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Crewman Kessler, assigned to 72nd Company, became CO of 72nd Company Crewman Drakken, assigned to BetTieosa Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl August 11th to August 21rd (send to Veynom on August 25th) Contacted recruits: Assigned recruits: Crewman Fusion, assigned to Beta Company Members of the Navy, which left us: Cpt Jake Kiltar, assigned to 6th Fleet, was removed from the Navy. Cpt Smolens, assigned to 6th Fleet, was removed from the Navy. Other stuff: Fl-Cpl Are Wold, assigned to 112th Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt Crewman JediMan84, assigned to 11th Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl. Lt (jg) Ivy Jade came back to active duty. She is now assigned to 51st company X Lt (jg) Count Uebles became XO of 5th Fleet and was promoted to the rank of Lt. Fl-Sgt Todtstelzer, CO of 53rd Comapny, became CO of 54th Comapny Fl-Sgt Mazzic, XO of 53rd Company, became CO of 53rd Company Crewman Gram Munin, assigned to 53rd Company, transferred to 52nd Company Fl-Sgt Samurai, XO 11th Fleet, has been promoted to the rank of Ensign. Crewman Karrde, assigned to 114th Company, became CO of 114th company Crewman HaZe, assigend to 114th Company, became XO of 114th Company Lt Vistate, now XO of ICF, transferred back to ICF X August 22th to August 28th (send to Kiie on August 28th, to Veynom on September 1st) Contacted recruits: LocuS ([Mailaddress], UIN: 1200309) Zorg ([Mailaddress]) Darrian Carg ([Mailaddress], UIN : 2513254) Ben C'boath ([Mailaddress], UIN: 43937423) FLC_HeavyMetal ([Mailaddress], UIN: 30956088) Darth_Dave ([Mailaddress], UIN: 13799598) Myrddin ([Mailaddress]): talked to me on ICQ 29.8.; wants to be in a fighter unit. Duke Hazard ([Mailaddress]) Omega ([Mailaddress]) Assigned Recruits: Crewman Langley, assigned to 12th Fleet Crewman Darrian Carg, assigned to 91st Company Crewman Ben C'boath, assigned to 3rd Company Crewman Zorg, assigned to 111th Company Crewman Leo Thornton, assigned to 53rd Company Crewman Darth_Dave, assigned to 91st Company Crewman FLC_HeavyMetal, assigned to 4th Company Crewman LocuS, assigned to 42nd Company (26/8/1999) Other stuff: Crewman Kaine, assigned to 93rd Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl. X Crewman Kautz, assigned to 44th Company, became CO of 44th Company X Fl-Sgt Todtstelzer, CO 54th Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign August 28th to September 1st (sent to Veynom on September 1st) Contacted recruits: Nhik Rath ([Mailaddress], UIN: 45180822) Jra_Thrawn ([Mailaddress], UIN: 43011629) Assigned recruit: Crewman Vold Grayswan, assigned to 84th Company X Crewman Duke Hazard, assigned to 54th Company ML: Yes Crewman Omega, assigned to 113th Company Crewman Nhik Rath, assigned to 31st Recon Company Crewman Myrddin, assigned to 12th Fleet Crewman OySTeR, assigned to 6th Fleet Other Stuff: Crewman Ravyn, assigned to 111th Company, became CO of 113th Company and was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl X Crewman Malagant was relegated to Naval Reserve X Crewman HaZe, XO of 114th Company, transferred to Naval Resereve X Crewman D_Side, assigend to 112th Company has been removed from the Navy for prolonged inactivity Ensign Samurai, XO of 11th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt X Ensign Alekseyev, XO of 8th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) X Fl-Sgt Hume, CO of 84th Company, got promoted to the reank of Ensign X Commodore Ratman, assigned to Navla Reserve, beacme CO of 13th Sector Fleet X Fl-Sgt Tarrel, asisgned to 51st Company, transferred to 134th Company X September 2nd to September 8th: (send to Veynom on September 8th) Contacted recruits: DeathKnight ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 29286430) Assigned recruits: Crewman Jra_Thrwan, assigned to 34th Recon Company X Crewman Nil Spaar, assigned to 94th Company X (wrong hanlde?) Crewman DeathKnight, assigned to 44th Company Crewman Griffith, assigned to 114th Company Crewman Swerdilk, assigned to 34th Recon Company Crewman Hockey, assigned to 132nd Company X (wrong hanlde?) Other stuff: Crewman Zar?Axis, assigned to 44th Company, left the Empire Ensign T.C.S. Eagle, CO of 52nd Company, was relegated toNaval Resreve on request of Cmdr Quaxo for prolonged inactivity. Lt John Morgan, assigned to 13th Fleet, left the Empire Crewman Bart, assigned to 44th Company, was transferred to the Ministry of Finance Lt Vistate, XO ICF, got promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr Crewman Drak Torson, asisgned to Delta Company, left the Empire Crewman Myrddin, asisgned to 12th Fleet, has left the Empire September 9th to September 15th (sent to Veynom and Kiie on September 27th) Assigned recruits Crewman Tigellius, assigned to 12th Fleet X Crewman Slaixth, assigned to 114th Company X Crewman Lord Ed, assigned to 44th Company X Crewman Taron Kwai, assigned to 94th company X Crewman Savk, assigned to Delta Company Crewman McTeel Mur'ath, assigned to 133rd Company Crewman Magus, assigned to 112th Company X Crewman maharaj, assigned to Delta Company X Laut Veynom (27.9.) nicht auf der memberlist Crewman Machkhit, assigned to 71st Company X Other stuff: Lt Opey Ryac, XO 31st Recon Company, got promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr X Crewman Robert Frost, assigned to 1st Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl X Crewman Keefus, asisgned to 4th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Crewman Starbuck, assigned to 3rd Company, left the Empire Crewman Taron Kwai, assigned to 94th Comapny, left the Empire The following people recived the six month service ribbon on September14th: Vicendick, Fl-Cpl, Co 91st Company Tarrel, Fl-Sgt, 131st Company AreWold, Fl-Sgt, 12th Company Garret Jax, Fl-Cpl, CO 14th Company Kaninen, Lieutenant, XO 9th Fleet Company Todtstelzer, Ensign, CO 54th Company Flashz, Crewman, 93rd Company Xazinon , Crewman, XO 73rd Company Assigned by Ensign Todtstelzer (September 15th to September 23rd): Crewman Alun Tringad, assigned to 94th Company Crewman Phennir, assigned to 73rd Company Crewman HAL 9000, assigned to 111th Company Crewman Cray Mikalen, asisgned to 81st Company Crewman Joski Thpor, asisgned to 112th Company Crewman Edward, assigend to 64th Company September 24th to 27th (sent to Veynom and Kiie on september 27th) Assigned recruits: Crewman Mat Beimer, assigned to 44th Comapny X wrong handle! Crewman starreacher, assigned to 4th Company Crewman Jarrod Silverstar, assigned to 81st Company X wrong handle! Crewman Martaina, assigned to 53rd Company Crewman Sathanas, assigned to 114th Company Crewman Chauncey, assigned to 82nd Company Crewman Drago, assigned to 34th Recon Company Crewman DeVore, assigned to 131st Company Crewman Ton Shire, assigned to 114th Company Crewman Lord Dragon, assigned to 54th Company Crewman Alload, assigned to Delta Company Crewman Kench Yucan, assigned to 1st Company Crewman Jedi Anger, assigned to 84th Company X Crewman Maelstorm, assigned to 94th Company X Other stuff: Crewman Slaixth has been removed from the Empire for insubordination (request from GA Veynom) September 28th to 30th (reported to Veynom and Kiie on September 30th) Assigned recruits: Crewman Novo Xyla, assigned to 3rd Company X Crewman Jedi Master With a Blaster, assigned to 134th Company X Crewman Condar, assigned to 114th Company X Crewman Tomaas, assigned to 54th Company X Crewman Mekong, assigned to 43rd Company X Recruit Crunch, assigned to 36th Recon Company X Other stuff: Crewman Lord Dragon left the Empire. Lt Boba fetto replaced Lt Pocebokli as CO of 12th Fleet Crewman hokey, assigned to 132nd Company transferred to 136th Company Fl-Cpl baronfel25, assigned to 32nd Recon Company, became CO of 36th Recon Company Ensign Kaninen, CO of 93rd Company, became the new XO of 9th Fleet. Crewman Cyric, assigned to 74th Company, has been moved to Naval Reserve due to real life Problems. Wants to come back ASAP: October 1st to October 5th (sent to Kiie, Veynom and Todtstelzer on October 5th) Assigned recruits: Edward Sherlog, assigned to 13th Company X Darth Lightning, assigned to 83rd Company X Crewman CoolHand, assigned to 111th Company X Crewman Melvar, assigned to 133rd Company X Crewman Dran Nagar, assigned to 4th company X Crewman Jones, assigned to 43rd Company X Crewman Sniper, assigned to 134th Company X Crewman Ace Lightning, assigned to 83rd Company X Crewman Zoombini, assigned to 33rd Recon Company X Crewman maximilian, assigned to 33rd Recon Company X Members of the Navy, which left us: Cpt Kerr, CO of 4th Fleet, left the Sim. Crewman Walker, assigned to 81st Company, left the Sim Crewman Nesto38, assigned to 83rd Company, left the Sim Crewman Ziel, assigned to 131st Comapny, left the Sim. Crewman Xanvar, assigned to 134th Company, left the Sim. Lt (jg) Predator, assigned to 134th Comapny, left the Sim. Ensign Grayson English, XO of 6th Fleet, left the Sim. Crewman Teyra, assigned to 41st Company, left the Sim. Crewman Jedi Master With a Blaster, assigned to 134th Company, left the Empire Other stuff: Lt Opey Ryac became the new XO of 3rd Recon Fleet because the old XO, Lt Veler Kan is currently inactive for computer problems Lt Nugehan, XO of 4th Fleet, became CO of 4th Fleet. Lt (jg) Thrawn24, CO of 41st Company, became XO of 4th Fleet. October 5th to October 14th (send to Veynom and Kiie on October 14th): Assigned recruits: Crewman Zephlin A'bath, assigend to 93rd Company (6.10.1999) Crewman Mah Tuk Ban, assigned to 63rd Company Crewman Jameison, assigned to 63rd Company Crewman incesticide, assigned to 134th Company Crewman Ice, assigned to 64th Company Crewman Jerrard Greyson, assigned to 84th Company Crewman Gur Thal, assigned to 11th Company Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman Game, assigned to 71st Company Crewman HAL9000, assigned to 111th Company Crewman FST_TopDawg, assigned to 14th Comapny left the Empire for the NFG First Legion Other stuff: Lt (jg) Thrawn 24, XO of 4th Fleet, has been promoted to Lt Crewman Obi Wan, assigned to 44th Company, has been promoted to Ensign Crewman Kingyep, assigned to 42nd Company, has been promoted to Ensign Crewman Eric Kautz, CO of 44th Company, has been promoted to Flt-Sgt Crewman Locus, assigned to 42nd Company, has been promoted to Fl-Cpl (6/10/2001) Crewman Jovakra Mirran, assigned to 11th Company, became CO of 11th Company Crewman Lane, assigned to 11th Comapny, became XO of 11th Company Crewman Jospora Manzee, assigned to 12th Company, became XO of 12th Company Crewman Savk, asisgned to Delta Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt Fl-Cpl Jener Narice, CO of 83rd Company, transfered to 133rd Company October 15th to October October 29th (sent to Veynom and Kiie on October 29th) Assigned recruits: Crewman Toogarth, assigned to 64th Company Crewman Corman, asisgned to Epsilon Company Crewman Vir Calder, assigned to 113th Company Crewman Outsider, asisgned to 74th Company Crewman Polarisruner, assigned to 82nd Company Crewman Sungam, aaigned to 83rd Company Crewman Alec Rowane, assigned to 63rd Company Crewman Mondovich, assigned to 54th Company Lt Endorph from the Ministry of Finance has been temporarily assigned to 14th Company Crewman Teir Logash, assigend to 13th Company Crewman Charon, assigned to 13th Company Crewman Bilke, assigned to 123rd Company Crewman Darth Tigger, assigned to 14th Company Crewman Hitman, assigned to 136th Comapny Crewman Roy Fokker, assigned to 94th Company Crewman Luuke_Skywalker, assigned to 134th Company Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman OySTeR, assigned to 64th Company, left the Sim Crewman TAZ, assigned to 14th Company, left the Empire for NFG First Legion Crewman Edward Shorlog, assigned to 13th Company, has been removed from the Navy because of prolonged inactivity Crewman Leaf ?Sticky? Chambley, assigned to 14th Company, has been removed from the Navy because of prolonged inactivity Crewman Baron Fel, assigned to 14th Company, has been removed from the Navy because of prolonged inactivity Crewman Maestorm, assigend to 94th Comapny, has been removed from the Navy because of inactivity and the failure to register as a member of the Empire Crewman Leo Thornton, assigned to 53rd Company, has been removed from the Navy because of prolonged inactivity. Other stuff: Fl-Sgt Savk, assigned to Delta Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign X Fl-Cpl Dwarth, assigned to Alpha Company got promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt X Lt-Cmdr Huzz Lord, CO of 11th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Commander X Crewman Zero, asisgned to 13th Company, transfered to 12th Company X Crewman Machkhit, assigend to 71st Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl and is now the Assistant Director of the INA X Crewman DeVore, assigned to 131st Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl and became CO of 131st Company X Crewman Melvar, assigned to 133rd Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl and became CO of 133rd Company X Crewman Sniper, assigned to 134th Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl and became CO of 134th Company X Fl-Sgt Ryan, assigend to 13th comapny, was removed because of prolonged inactivity X Crewman Cador became CO of 13th company. X Fl-Cpl Incubus Kaine, assigend to 93rd Comapny, joined Naval Reserve. X Crewman Omega, asisgned to 113th Company, joined Naval Resreve. X Fl-Sgt Eric Kautz, CO of 44th Company, joined Naval Reserve. October 29th to November 4th Assigned recruits: Lt (jg) Kast Derrnon, assigned to 131st Company. Crewman Kelyn Scythe, assigned to 14th Company (1/11/99) Crewman Summoning, assigned to 44th Company (1/11/99) Crewman Phlegethonyarre, assigned to 73rd Company (4/11/99) Crewman Pater, assigned to 33rd Recon Company (4/11/99) Crewman Yorkshire Nipper, assigned to 34th Comapny (4/11/99) Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman Vile, assigned to 41st Company, has been removed because of prolonged inactivity. (1/11/99) Crewman Jez Malorm, assigned to 34th Recon Comapny, left the Empire for Black Sun (4/11/99) Fl-Cpl Xazinon, XO of 73rd Company, left the Sim (4/11/99) Other stuff: Lt (jg) Ivy Jade, assigned to 51st Company, has been relegated to Naval Reserve due to inactivity (1/11/99) X November 5th to November 11th: Assigned recruits: Crewman Ace Pilot, assigned to 3rd Company (6/11/99) Crewman Raichu, assigned to 82nd Company (6/11/99 Crewman Weasel, assigned to 2nd Company (9/11/99) Crewman Podalire, assigned to 32rd Recon Company (9/11/99) Crewman Kain, assigned to 121st Company (11/11/99) Crewman EvilJedi, assigned to 121st Company (11/11/99) Crewman Dar Quan, assigned to 124th Company (11/11/99) Crewman _Akain, assigned to 124th Company (11/11/99) Crewman Leman Russ, assigned to 124th Company (11/11/99) Members of the Navy, which left us: Fl-Cpl baronfel25, CO of 36th Recon Company, left the SWCombine (5/11/99) Crewman Yorkshire Nipper, assigned to 34th Company Lt Veller Kan, CO of 31st Recon Company, left the SWCombine (5/11/99) Crewman Thanatos, assigned to 31st Company, has been removed because of prolonged inactivity (5/11/99) Fl-Cpl Khajja, assigned to 93rd Company, has been removed because of prolonged inactivity (request of Lt (jg) Kaninen; 9/11/99) Fl-Cpl Vicendick, assigned to 92nd Company, has been removed because of prolonged inactivity (request of Lt (jg) Kaninen; 9/11/99) Fl-Cpl Dante DeGoss, assigned to 92nd Company, has been removed because of prolonged inactivity (request of Lt (jg) Kaninen; 9/11/99) Crewman Lord Ed, asisgned to 44th Company, left the Navy (Empire?) (9/11/99) Crewman Wally, assigned to 43rd Company, left the Navy (Empire?) (9/11/99) Lt Boba fetto, CO of 12th Fleet, left the SWCombine Other stuff: Crewman Kessler, CO of 72nd Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (5/11/99) X Ensign Surber, CO of 32nd Recon Comapny, is now assigned to 3rd Recon Fleet HQ (5/11/99) X Crewman Nhik Rath, assigned to 31st Recon Company, became the new CO of 31st Recon Company and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (5/11/99) X Crewman Zoombini, assigned to 33rd Recon Company, became XO of 31st Recon Company and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (5/11/99) X Ens Oleastre, assigned to 3rd Recon Fleet, came back to active duty and is now assigned to 71st Recon Company (5/11/99) X Crewman Jra-Thrawn, assigned to 34th Recon Company, is now a member of 31st Recon Comapny (5/11/99) X Crewman Swerdilk, assigned to 34th Recon Company, is now a member of 31st Recon Company (5/11/99) X Crewman Drago, assigned to 34th Recon Company, is now a member of 31st Recon Company (5/11/99) X Crewman Crunch, assigned to 36th Recon Company, is now a member of 31st Recon company (5/11/99) X Crewman maximilian, assigned to 33rd Recon Company, became CO of 33rd Recon Company (5/11/99) X Crewman Ying Lee, assigned to 82nd Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl and became CO of 82nd Company (6/11/99) Crewman Polarisruner, assigned to 82nd Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (6/11/99) Crewman Vold Greyswan, assigned to 84th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (6/11/99) Crewman Chauncey, assigned to 82nd Company, has been transferred to 52nd Company (6./11/99). Lt (Jg) Arkady Alekseyev, XO of 8th Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Lt. (7/11/99) X Crewman Ice111 decided to change to a NFG before I could assign him. (8/11/99) X Ensign Kingyep became CO of 42nd Company (9/11/99) X Crewman Creegan, assigned to 43rd Company, became CO of 41st Company (9/11/99) X Crewman Jones, assigned to 43rd Company, became CO of 43rd Company (9/11/99) X Lt Pocebokli, CO of 121st Company, became CO of 12th Fleet (11/11/99) X November 12th to November 18th: Assigned recruits: Crewman Tidas Kelil, assigned to 43rd Company (13/11/99) Crewman Steven Kenobi, assigned to 74th Company (15/11/99) Crewman Thomas Long, assigned to 126th Company (17/11/99) Crewman Vin Tarsel, assigned to 13th Company (17/11/99) Crewman Aaron Hobbs, assigned to 43rd Company (17/11/99) Crewman Vincent Xavier, assigned to 123rd Company (18/11/99) Crewman Ryan Lightdarker, assigned to 123rd Company (18/11/99) Crewman Dr chuckles, assigned to 92nd Company (18/11/99) Crewman Ingral, assigned to 113th Company (18/11/99) Crewman Rogue_Andre, assigned to 74th Company (18/11/99) Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman EvilJedi, assigned to 123rd Company, was expelled from the Empire for insubordination. Fl-Cpl Kessler, CO 72nd Company, left the Sim because of real life issues (18/11/99) Other stuff: Crewman DarkJedy, assigned to 74th Company, joined Naval Reserve (12/11/99) X Ensign Grodin Kuat was presented with the six month of service ribbon upon his return to active duty (13/11/99) November 19th to November 24th: Assigned recruits: Crewman Dreg Teredge, assigned to 44th Company (23/11/99) X Crewman Sa Vmak, assigned to 93rd Transport Company (23/11/99) X Crewman Josh Ranjill, assigned to 44th Company (23/11/99) X Crewman Astua, assigned to 3rd Company (24/11/99) X Crewman Gareth Bryne, assigned to 126th Company (24/11/99) X Crewman jubb, assigned to 113th Company (24/11/99) X Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman Ineluki, XO of 83rd Company, left the Sim (19/11/99) Crewman Langley, assigned to 124th Company, left the Sim (24/11/99) Crewman Tigellius, assigned to 124th Company, left the Sim (24/11/99) Crewman Verkinex, assigned to 92nd Company, was removed because of prolonged inactivity (24/11/99) Crewman Nil Spaar, assigned to 94th Company, was removed because of prolonged inactivity (24/11/99) Crewman Roy Fokker, assigned to 94th Company, was removed because of prolonged inactivity (24/11/99) Other stuff: Ensign Fidel Hume, CO of 84th Company, was relegated to Naval resreve because of prolonged inactivity (19/11/99) X Lt-Cmdr Don Juan was relegated to Naval Reserve for prolonged inactivity. (29/9/99) X Ensign Kaninen became new CO of 9th Fleet. (29/9/99) X Ensign Kaninen, CO of 9th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) Crewman Walther, assigned to 94th Company, has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress] November 25th to December 1st: Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman Sungam, assigned to 83rd Company, was removed for inactivity (29/11/99) Crewman Magus, assigned to 112th Company, was removed for inactivity (30/11/99) Crewman Ton Shire, assigned to114th Company, was removed for inactivity (30/11/99) The following members of the Navy recived the six-month-of-service-ribbon on November 30th: Blackfear, Fl-Sgt, 52nd JediMan84, Fl-Cpl, CO 111th Jon Carnie, Fl-Cpl, XO Delta Company Robert Frost, Fl-Cpl, 1st Company Samurai, Lt, XO 11th Three members of the Navy could not recive the award, because they are currently in Naval Resreve. DarkJedy, Crewman, NR Incubus Kaine, Fl-Cpl, NR Orisson, Lt, NR They will recive theire award upon theire return to active duty. December 2nd to December 9th: assigned recruits: Crewman Zenith ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 74th Company (9/12/99) Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman Tomaas, assigned to 54th Company, left the Empire. Crewman Chauncey, assigned to 52nd Company, left the Empire. Cremwan Leo Thornton, assigned to 53rd Company, was removed due to inactivity Crewman Sungam, assigned to 83rd Company, was removed because of inactivity. Fl-Cpl Zim Flim, assigned to 73rd Comapny, was removed because of inactivity Crewman exarkun, assigned to 73rd Comapny, was removed because of inactivity Crewman Boo Veteran, asisgned to 71st Company, was removed because of inactivity Fl-Cpl Raichu, assigned to 82nd Company, left the Empire to start a NFG Fl-Cpl Polarisruner, assigned to 82nd Company, left the Empire to start a NFG Crewman maharaj, assigned to Delta Company, was removed because of prolonged inactivity Crewman Alload, assigned to Delta Company, was removed because of prolonged inactivity Crewman McTeel Murath, assigend to 133rd Company Fl-Cl Jenec Narice, assigend to 133rd Company Crewman incesticide, assigned to 133rd Company Crewman Luuke_Skywalker, assigend to 134th Comapany Crewman Hitman, assigend to 136th Comapny Crewman hockey, assigend to 136th Company Crewman Alec Rowane, assigned to 63rd Company Crewman Edward, assigned to 64th Company Crewman Toogarth, asisgend to 64th Company Other stuff: Crewman Jake Thomas has a new address: [Mailaddress] Lt Death Lord, XO 7th Fleet, has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress] Fl-Cpl LocuS, assigned to 42nd Company, became CO of 44th Company and was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (5/12/1999) Note: 44th Company has now SIX members, but this will only be temporarily. Fl-Sgt Alex Motti Tylger has been promoted to the rank of Ensign (9/12/99) Crewman Phlegethonyarre became CO of 73rd Company Fl-Sgt Machkhit, asisgend to 71st Company, became CO of 71st company Fl-Cpl carnie, asisgned to delta Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt Crewmen Jarrod Silverstar became XO of 81st Company and got promoted to Fl-Sgt Crewman Darth Lightning, assigned to 83rd Company, became CO of 83rd Company and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt Crewman Ace Lightning, assigned to 83rd Company, became XO of 83rd Company and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Fl-Cpl Vold Greyswan, asisgned to 84th Company, became CO of 84th Comapyn and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt Crewman Jedi Anger, asisgned to 84th Company, became XO of 84th Comapyn and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Crewman Jerrard Greyson, asisgned to 84th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Fl-Cpl DeVore, assigned to 131st Company, became CO of 13th Fleet and got promoted to the rank of Ensign Fl-Sgt Tarrel, assigned to 131st Company, became XO of 131st Company Fl-Sgt Palleoen, assigned to 134th Company, became XO of 134th company Crewman Ice, assigned to 64th Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl December 10th to December 16th Assigned recruits: Crewman Denatus, assgend to 72nd Company Crewman Gecko, assigned to 73rd Company Members of the Navy, who left us: Crewman SuperSabre, asisgned to Epsilon Company, left the Sim Other stuff: Lt Pocebokli, CO of 12th Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr Crewman Zenith, assigned to 74th Company, was tranfered to 14th Company Fl-Cpl Palleon, assigned to Epsilon Company, was transfered to 114th Company Crewman Cormann, XO of Epsilon Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Crewman Zephlin A?bath, assigned to 93rd Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Crewman Leman Russ, assigned to 124th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Fl-Sgt Maarek Stele, CO of 74th Company, has been promoted to the rank of Ensign. Lt-Cmdr Nugehan, CO of 4th Fleet, is promoted to the rank of Cmdr Lt (jg) Kaninen, CO of 9th Fleet, got promoted to the rtank of Lt (13.12.2000) December 17th to December 22nd: Assigned recruit: Crewman īZarrin, assigned to 112th Company Crewman Fishbone, assigned to Naval Reserve Members of the Navy, who left us: Crewman Darth_Dave Crewman Walther Crewman Sa Vmaak Crewman Rogue_Andre, assigned to 74th Company Crewman Darth Tigger, assigned to 14th Company Alun Tringad, Co of 94th Company, got promoted to the rank Flight Sergeant Crewman Ryan Lightdarker, assigned to 123rd Company, became AO of 12th fleet and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl Lt (jg) Kaninen, cO of 9th Fleet, got promoted to the rank od Lt Lt (jg) Count Uebles, XO of 5th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt Lt Count Uebles, XO of 5th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr Cmdr Mandorallen, asisgned to Naval Reserve, came back to active duty and is now assigned to 71st Company Lt-Cmdr Opey Ryac, XO of 3rd Recon Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Cpt The following members Award on Dec 19th: Lt-Cmdr Vistate, XO ICF Lt-Cmdr Swanson, 61st Ensign Motti, 81st Fl-Sgt Dwarth, XO Alpha Company Fl-Sgt Mazzic, CO 53th Fl-Sgt Ravyn, CO 113th Fl-Cpl Jorge Bay II, 54th Fl-Cpl Keefus, 4th Fl-Cpl Palleon, 114th Company Crewman Brakiss, Crewman, 2nd Company Crewman Lord Darth Patrick Vader, 53rd Crewman Wells, 51st Company Ensign Obi-Wan Kenobi could not recive the award because he is currently in Naval Resreve. Correction: Crewman Boo Veteran did NOT leave the Navy. December 23rd to 29th: Assigned Recruits: Crewman Travis Massey, assigned to 93rd Company (28.12.99) Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman Martaina, assigned to 53rd Company, was removed because of inactivity (23.12.99) Crewman Ace Pilot, assigned to 3rd Company, left the Combine (28.12.99) Other stuff: Fl-Sgt Mazzic, CO of 53rd Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve (23.12.99) Fl-Cpl Jorge Bay II, assigned to 54th Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve (23.12.99) Commander Peich, CO of 7th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Captain (23.12.99) Crewman Steven Kenobi, assigend to 74th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (28.12.99) Captain Mereel, CO of Naval Command Fleet, was demoted to the rank of Lt and assigned to 41st Company (26.12.99) December 29th to January 8th Contacted recruits: Jason Brisken <[Mailaddress]> (8.1.2000) Bosko Kovacevic <[Mailaddress]> (8.1.2000) Bryan Wodarski <[Mailaddress]> (8.1.2000) Dredd <[Mailaddress]> (8.1.2000) Darth Jaster <[Mailaddress]> (8.1.2000) Xizor <[Mailaddress]> (8.1.2000) Assigned recruits: Crewman Vader, assigned to 53rd Company (8.1.2000) Ensign Mara Jade, assigned to 51st Company (8.1.2000) (handle: MaraJade) X Crewman Krillo, assigned to Alpha Company (8.1.2000) X Crewman Luther Starbringer, assigned to 31st Recon Company (8.1.2000) X Members of the Navy, which left us: Ensign Alex Motti Tylger, CO of 81st Company, left for the Juganoth Mines (NFG) (1.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Robert Frost, assigned to 1st Company, transfered to the Diplomatic Corps (2.1.2000) Crewman Novo Xyla, assigned to 3rd Company, left the Combine (2.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Griffin, XO of 114th Company, left the Empire (4.1.2000) Crewman maximilian, assigned to 33rd Recon Company, left the Empire (6.1.2000) Crewman Aaron Hobbs, assigned to 43rd Company, left the Combine (8.1.2000) Crewman Cador, CO of 13th Comapny, was removed for inactivity (4.1.2000) Crewman Logash, 13th Company, was removed for inactivity (4.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Jax, CO 14th Company, was removed for inactivity (4.1.2000) Fl-Sgt Charon, XO of 13th Company, became CO of 13th Company (4.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Vin Tarsel, assigned to13th Company, became XO of 13th Company (4.1.2000) Other stuff: Ensign Karrde, CO of 114th Company, was promoted to the rank of Lt (1.1.2000) Fl-Sgt Machkhit was promoted to the rank of Ensign (1.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Incubus Kaine, assigned to Naval Reserve, came back to active duty. He is assigned to 93rd Company now. (5.1.2000) X Lt Jaster Mereel, assigned to joined NR X Fl-Cpl Zephlin A?bath, assigned to 93rd Comapny, transfered to 91st Company and became CO of this Company (8.1.2000) X Fl-Cpl Incubus KAin, assigned to 93rd Comapny, transfered to 91st Company and became XO of this Company (8.1.2000) X Fl-Cpl Nikh Rath, CO of 31st Comapny, got promoted to the rank of Ensign. X January 9th to January 14th Contacted recruits: Lee Chang <[Mailaddress]> (9.1.2000) paxayang ([Mailaddress]) (9.1.2000) Arkham ([Mailaddress]) (9.1.2000) Assigned recruits: Crewman Paxayang, assigned to 13th company (11.1.2000) Crewman Plate Haigen, assigned to 113th Company (13.1.2000) X Members of the navy, who left us: Jerrard Greyson, 8th Fleet, left the Navy Other stuff: Crewman DeathKnight, assigned to 44th Company, joined Naval Reserve (9.1.2000) Cmdr Mandorallen, assigned to 71st Company, became CO of 12th Fleet (9.1.2000) Lt-Cmdr Pocebokli, CO of 12th Fleet, tarnsfered to 121st Company (9.1.2000) Fl-Sgt Darrian Carg has been promoted to Ensign (11.1.2000) Crewman Dr chuckles has been promoted to Flight Corporal (11.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Vir Calder, assigned to 113th Company, became CO of 113th Company and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (13.1.2000) X Fl-Sgt Ravyn, CO of 113th Company, transferred to 111th Compayn and got promoted to the rank of Ensign (13.1.2000) Fl-Sgt Darrian Carg, XO 9th Fleet, promoted to Ensign Crewman Dr chuckles, 94th Company promoted to Flight Corporal Captain Tiree Durmin promoted to Commodore Crewman Pater, 3rd Fleet is AWOL Fl-Cpl Zephlin A'bath has changed his e-mail from [Mailaddress] to [Mailaddress] January 14th to January 19th Contacted recruits: Jerec, [Mailaddress], UIN: 3002475 (18.1.2000) Marc Jerrin, [Mailaddress], UIN: 52885023 (19.1.2000) Assigned recruits: Crewman Mortiis, assigned to 94th Company (14.1.2000) Crewman Lord Sala, assigned to 42nd Company (16.1.2000) Crewman Art00det00, assigned to 53rd Company (18.1.2000) Crewman Jerec, assigned to 43rd Company (18.1.2000) [Mailaddress], UIN: 3002475 Members of the Navy, which left us: Crewman Zorg, assigned to 111th Company (16.1.2000) Crewman Joski Thpor, assigned to 112th company (16.1.2000) Crewman lancesab, assigned to 84th Company, was removed because of prolonged inactivity (17.1.2000) Crewman Cray Mikalen, assigned to 81st Company, was removed because of prolonged inactivity (17.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Vir Calder, CO of 113th company, transfered to R&D and got promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (18.1.2000) Other stuff: Fl-Cpl Kreegan, assigned to 41st Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve (14.1.2000) X handle? Crewman Mekong, assigned to 41st Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve (14.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Jones became CO of 41st Company (14.1.2000) Crewman Dreg Teredge has temporarilly been transferred to 41st Company (14.1.2000) Cpt Pangborn, assigned to Naval Reserve, transfered to 41st Company (19.1.2000) Crewman Zarrin, assigned to 112th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (19.1.2000) Crewman Darth Patrick Vader, assigned to 53rd Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (19.1.2000) X Crewman Dran Nagar, assigned to 4th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (19.1.2000) X January 20th to January 26th Assigned recruits: Crewman Cynic Rougue, assigned to 54th Company (22.1.2000) X Crewman Zirk Fontain, assigned to 94th Company (22.1.2000) X Crewman Sidious, assigned to 54th Company (22.1.2000) X Marc Jerrin, assigned to 133rd Company (22.1.2000) X CS Crewman Wicked, assigned to 73rd Company (22.1.2000) X CS Crewman Spoz, assigned to 82nd Company (22.1.2000) X Crewman Rickenbacker ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 44th Company (24.1.2000) X Jarrid Demonical ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 92th [Mailaddress] (26/1/2000) X Crewman Grehab UfthakK ([Mailaddress], UIN: 62161030), assigend to 92nd Company (26/1/2000) X Crewman Walter Tierce ([Mailaddress], UIN:5008106), assigned to 14th Company (26/1/2000) X Crewman Ninja ([Mailaddress], UIN: 59859474), assigned to 53rd Company (26.1.2000) X Members of the Navy, who left: Lt Swanson, assigned to 131st Company (20.1.2000) Fl-Cpl Raven Lockholme, CO of 72nd Company, left the Combine (26.1.2000) Other stuff: Crewman Jake Thomas, assigned to 74th Company, joined Naval Reserve Crewman Phennir, assigned to 72nd Company, became CO of 72nd Company. (26.1.2000) X January 27th to January to February 4th: Assigned recruits Crewman Danallron ([Mailaddress], 61067179), assigned to 43rd Company (28.1.2000) Crewman Thringus ([Mailaddress], 52342875), assigned to 93rd Company (28.1.2000) Crewman Rabu Tarrin ([Mailaddress], 62381620), assigned to 31st Recon Company (29.1.2000) X Crewman Gendo Ikari, ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 43631959), assigned to 123rd Company (29.1.2000) X Crewman Nendesal ([Mailaddress], UIN: 62832326), assigned to 83rd Company (4.2.2000) Crewman Binak Algo ([Mailaddress], UIN: 57153362), assigned to 123rd Company (4.2.2000) Crewman Zuggs ([Mailaddress], UIN: 62836408), assigned to 72nd Company (4.2.2000) Members of the Navy, who left us: Lt-Cmdr Corwin, CO of 4th Company Please expel also Crewman Langley, he already left in November, but was obviously overlooked, as he is still on the memberlist. Other stuff: Lt (jg) Dr chuckles of R&D has a second e-mail address now. For mails over 50K use [Mailaddress], under 50 K: [Mailaddress]. Fl-Cpl Keefus, assigned to 4th company, got promoted to teh tank of Fl-Sgt and became CO of 4th Company X Crewman Swerdilk trasnfered from 34th Recon to 31st Recon Company Fl-Cpl Drago, assigned to 31st Company, has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress] Crewman JraThrawn is reported AWOL by his Fleet XO (3.2.2000) Fl-Cpl Palleon, assigned to 114th Company, joined Naval Reserve (4.2.2000) six-month-of-service-ribbon on February 4th: Cpt Opey Ryac, XO 3rd Recon Fleet Lieutenant Karrde, CO 114th Company (Infofelder!) Ensign Nhik Rath, CO 31st Recon Company Ensign Darian Carg, XO 9th Fleet (Info!) Ensign Jospora, XO 12th Company (Info!) Fl-Sgt Ying Lee, 82nd Company Fl-Sgt LocuS, CO 44th Company Fl-Sgt Vold Greyswan, CO 84th Company Fl-Cpl Drakken, Zeta Company Fl-Cpl Garm Munin, 52nd Company (Info!) Fl-Cpl Zero, 12th Company (Info!) Crewman Ben Cīboath, 3rd Company Crewman FLC_HeavyMetal, 4th Company Crewman Fusion, Zeta Company Crewman Swerdilk, 31st Recon Company (Info) Crewman Dash Tremonti, 11th Company Crewman Boo Veteran, 71st Company The following members of the Navy could not recive theire award, because they are currently in Naval Reserve: Fl-Cpl John Creegan, Naval Reserve (Info!) Crewman Jake Thomas, Naval Reserve (Info!) Crewman Krillo, assigned to Alpha Company, became XO of Alpha Company (28.1.2000) February 5th to February 9th: Assigned recruits: Crewman Torian Fetisov ([Mailaddress], UIN: 62896313), assigned to 83rd Company (6.2.2000) X Crewman Aisling ([Mailaddress], UIN: 23187321), assigned to 126th Company (6.2.2000) X Crewman Griffin Spade ([Mailaddress]), assigned to Delta Company (6.2.2000) X Members of the Navy, who left us: Fl-Cpl Zarrin (5.2.2000) Other stuff: Fl-Cpl Palleon, assigned to 114th Company, joined Naval Reserve (5.2.2000) X Crewman Wicked was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (5.2.2000) X Crewman Spoz was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (5.2.2000) X Crewman Fontain was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (5.2.2000) X February 10th to February 18th Assigned recruits: Crewman Jake B ([Mailaddress]; ICQ #: 43654416), assigned to Delta Company (11.2.2000) (handle: Admiral Jake B) Crewman Darrik Vequir ([Mailaddress]; ICQ# 23751994), assigned to36th Recon Company (11.2.2000) Crewman Dark Rasor ([Mailaddress]; ICQ#: 5622544), assigned to 74th Company (11.2.2000) Crewman Mike Jones ([Mailaddress]; ICQ#: 43189449), assigend to 54th Company (16.2.2000) Crewman Dracoin ([Mailaddress]; ICQ# is 63868379), assigned to 112th Company (16.2.2000) Crewman Slash Dryve ([Mailaddress]; UIN is 2574802), assigned to 36rd Recon Company (18.2.2000) Crewman Goth ([Mailaddress]; UIN) is 56054228), assigned to 73rd Company (18.2.2000) CS Crewman DFAblur ([Mailaddress]; UIN is 17325524), assigned to 14th Company (18.2.2000) Crewman darthscooby ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 52295308), assigned to 14th Company (18.2.2000) Crewman Garkik Darksaber ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 44th Company (18.2.2000) Crewman Corrian ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 59711398), assigned to 84th Company (18.2.2000) Crewman Thundyr ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 84th Company (18.2.2000) Crewman POOH ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 48806964), assigned to 113th Company (18.2.2000) Members of the Navy, who left us: Crewman Marc Jerrin, assigned to 133rd Company, defected to the Alliance (14.2.2000) Mara Jade, assigned to 51st Company, left the Combine (15.2.2000) Cremman Ingral, assigned to 113th Company was removed for inactivity (17.2.2000) Crewman jubb, assigned to 113th Company was removed for inactivity (17.2.2000) Other stuff: Crewman Tierce, assigend to 14th Company, joinerd Naval Reserve (10.2.2000) Crewman Rabu Tarrin, assigned to 31st Recon Company, changed his e-mail to [Mailaddress] Flt-Cpl Drago, assigned to 31st Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (17.2.2000) Flt-Cpl Podalire, assigned to 31st Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (17.2.2000) Flt-Cpl Zoombini, XO of 31st Company, has been promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (17.2.2000) February 19th to February 25th Assigned recruits: Joshua Pink ([Mailaddress]; ICQ: 11920682), assigned to Epsilon Company (21.2.2000) X Other Stuff: Cmdr Mandorallen was relieved of command as CO of 12th Fleet for being AWOL (19.2.2000) Lt-Cmdr Uebles replaced Cmdr Mandorallen as CO of 12th Fleet (19.2.2000) Lt Arkady Alekseyev, XO of 8th Fleet, became CO of 8th Fleet (21.2.2000) Crewman Torian Fetisov got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (22.2.2000) Crewman Darrik Vequir got promotrd to the rank of Fl-Cpl (22.2.2000) Crewman Vader got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (22.2.2000) Fl-Sgt Are Wold got a position as professor at the INA (22.2.2000) Ensign Todtstelzer, CO of 54th Company, became XO of 5th Fleet and got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (22.2.2000) Fl-Sgt Blackfear got promoted to the rank of Ensign (22.2.2000) Fl-Sgt Halm Vendrella got promoted to the rank of Ensign (22.2.2000) Fl-Sgt Griffin became CO of 114th Company (23.2.2000) Fl-Cpl Condar became XO of 114th Company (23.2.2000) Fl-Sgt Are Wold, CO of 112th Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign. (23.2.2000) Lt Kaninen, CO of 9th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr (23.2.2000) Lt Samurai, XO of 11th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr (23.2.2000) Lt (jg) Machkhit got promoted to the rank of Lt (23.2.2000) Crewman Gareth Bryne, assigned to 126th Company, was reported AWOL by Lt-Cmdr Uebles (25.2.2000) Crewman Thomas Long, assigned to 126th Company, was reported AWOL by Lt-Cmdr Uebles (25.2.2000) Fl-Cpl Lightdarker became the new assignment officer of 12th Fleet. (25.2.2000) Crewman Dar Quan, assigned to 124th company, joined Naval Reserve (25.2.2000) February 26th to March 4th: Assigned recruits: Crewman Carmac ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 34th Recon Company (28.2.2000) X Crewman Daven Morad ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 65240729, assigned to 34th Recon company (28.2.2000) X Crewman James Little ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 65389861), assigned to 34th Recon Company (28.2.2000) X handle: jameslittle Crewman Basmodean ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 57998679), assigned to 112th Company (28.2.2000) X Crewman Badlands ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 58482362), assigned to 134th Company (29.1.2000) X Crewman Tred ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 49037681), assigned to 134th Company (29.1.2000) X Crewman AnakinSolo01 ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 136th Company (29.2.2000) X Crewman Graf Spea ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 136th Company (29.2.2000) Crewman Berthrwan ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 10115100), assigned to 133rd Company (29.2.2000) X Crewman Chronus Renault ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 65387546), assigned to 14th Company (29.2.2000) X Crewman OVERMIND ([Mailaddress]), assigend to Delta Company (4.3.2000) X Crewman Mkleiber ([Mailaddress]), assigend to 73rdCompany (4.3.2000) X Members of the navy, who left us: Vice Admiral Targeter, assigned to Naval Reserve, defected from the Empire (27.2.2000) Crewman Phlegethonyarre, CO of 73rd Company, was removed because of inactivity (27.2.2000) X Crewman Gecko, assigned to 73rd Company, was removed brcause of inactivity (27.2.2000) X Fl-Sgt Palleon, XO of 134th Company, defected form the Empire (29.2.2000) X awards: Lt-Cmdr Death Lord, XO of 7th Fleet, recived a LOC (1.3.2000) Fl-Sgt LocuS, CO of 44th Company, recived a LOC (1.3.2000) other stuff: Lieutenant Karrde, CO of 114th Company, became CO of 34th Recon Company (26.2.2000) X Fl-Cpl JediMan84, CO of 11th Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign (26.2.2000) X Crewman Condar, XO of 114th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (26.2.2000) X Crewman Sathanas, assigned to 114th Company, gor promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (26.2.2000) X Palte Haigen, assigned to 113th Company, gor promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl adn became the new CO of 113th Company (26.2.2000) X Crewman Art00deet00, assigned to 53rd Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (29.2.2000) X Lt (jg) Kast Derrnon, XO of 13th Fleet, has changed his address to [Mailaddress] Lt Stajda, XO of NCF, has a new UIN: 65282093 Crewman Tred, assigend to 134th Compayn, changed his addres to [Mailaddress] March 4th to March 11th Contacted recruits: Crewman Titus Corbio ([Mailaddress]) was sent to me by Brigadier General Ranma, but has disappeared from the Empire memberlist since then. I contacted him on March 11th and gave him a chance to comment on the situation. Assigned recruits: Crewman Khalid ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 65264493), assigned to 33rd Recon Company (8.3.2000) X CS Crewman Fox Mulder ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 46245084), assigned to 124th Company (8.3.2000) X Crewman Todesengel ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 33rd Company (8.3.2000) X CS Crewman Placid ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 8774064), assigned to 53rd Company (8.3.2000) X CS Crewman Kaneda ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 40860803), assigned to 126th company (11.3.2000) X Crewman Tain ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 54th Company (11.3.2000) X Members of the Navy, who left us: Crewman Berthrawn, assigend to 133rd Company, defected from the Empire (4.3.2000) Flight Corporal Luther Starbringer, assigned to 3rd Recon Fleet, was removed for inactivity (5.3.2000) His account has an activity rating of ?a?. Rather suspicious. Gunther, please investigate. Crewman Crunch Hy'Neth, assigned to31Recon Company, defected to a NFG (5.3.2000) Crewman Todesengel ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 33rd Company, informed me that he got a ?position as a warlord a few weeks ago?. There has been some problem during the assignment process, so I would rather not consider this a case of defection. (9.3.2000) X Other stuff: Cmdr Tannim Kole, CO of 1st Fleet, joined Naval Reserve (6.3.2000) X Lt Endorph Morbelis, XO of 14th Company, became interim CO of 1st Fleet (6.3.2000) X Ensign Manzeen, XO of 12th Company, bacame interim XO oft 1st Fleet. (6.3.2000) X Ensign Darrian Carg, XO of 9th Fleet, got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (8.3.2000) X Fl-Sgt Jon Carnie, CO of Delta Company, was relieved of command (8.3.2000) X Lt (jg) Savk, XO of Delta Company, became interim CO of Delta Company (8.3.2000) X Fl-Cpl Zephlin A?bath, CO of 91st Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (8.3.2000) X Crewman Krillo, assigned to Alpha Company, became the XO of Alpha Company on January 28th, but I only got this information right now X Crewman POOH, assigned to 113th Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl for his work for the INIS (10.3.2000) X Crewman Mortiis was executed for negligence of his duties (11.3.2000) X (cf. message from Lt-Cmdr Kaninen) Lt-Cmdr Angusson left 1st Fleet (9.3.2000) March 12th to 18th Assigned recruits: Crewman Titus Corbio ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 113th Company (18/03/2000) He explained the fact that he dissaperaed from memberlist to me. Normaly I would wait with his assignment till heīs back on the list, but as he can not change his affiliation as long as no client is operational, I decided to take the risk. Crewman Gelin Duath ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 49557413), assigned to 82nd Company (18/03/2000) Crewman Grendel ([Mailaddress]; ICQ: 13347920); assigned to 33rd Recon Company (18/03/2000) Crewman Ched Hunter ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 32nd Recon Company (18/03/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Crewman Rickenbacker, assigned to 44th company, was removed because of inactivity (16/03/2000), assigned ship: TIE/Ln Viper Other stuff: Cpt Catarina Kerr, assigned to Naval Reserve, came back to active duty and took over command of the Calaron Sector Fleet (12/03/2000) Ensign Mirran, CO of 11th Company, was promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (13/03/2000) Ensign Manzeen, XO of 1st Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Lt (jg). (13/03/2000) Flight-Sergeant Charon, CO of 13th Company, was promoted tio the rank of Ensign. (13/03/2000) Fl-Cpl Harkn, CO of 12th Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt. (13/03/2000) Fl-Cpl Scythe, CO of 14th Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt. (13/03/2000) Cmdr Nugehan resigned his command of 4th Fleet. (13/03/2000) Lt Thrawn24, XO of 4th Fleet, became CO of 4th Fleet and was promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr (13/03/2000) Vice Admiral van Esling, assigned to Alpha Company, was promoted to the rank of Admiral (14/03/2000) Ensign LocuS, CO of 44th company, became XO of 4th Fleet (16/03/2000) Fl-Cpl Dred Teredge, assigend to 41st company, became CO of 44th Company (16/03/2000) Crewman Carmac, assigned to 34th Recon Company, joined Naval Reserve (17/03/2000) Fl-Sgt Vold Greyswan has a new e-mail addres: [Mailaddress] March 19th to March 26th corrections to last weeks list: Crewman Corbio was assigned to 133rd Company (not 113rd Company as I wrote) assigned recruits: Crewman Rudi ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 32nd Recon Company (26/3/2000) Crewman JBrule ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 8111548), assigned to 44th Company (26/3/2000) Crewman Sith_apprentice ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 25575607), assigned to 14th Company (26/3/2000) Crewman Jib Wiseman ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 68101199), assigned to 14th Company (26/3/2000) Crewman delsari ([Mailaddress]; [Mailaddress]), assigned to 126th company (26/3/2000) Crewman LordRiker ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 68021669), assigend to 34th Recon company (26/3/2000) Crewman Thrawn ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 133rd Company (26/3/2000) handle: Vice Admeal Thrawn Crewman INVADER ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 62224938), assigned to 94th Company (26/3/2000) Crewman Equiox ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 52nd Company (26/3/2000) Orion Roland Jenru ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 33rd Recon Company (26/3/2000) handle: Orion Members of the Navy, who left: Crewman darthscooby was removed for inactivity (19/3/2000) Crewman Garm Munin, asisgned to 52nd Company, was removed for inactivity (20/3/2000) Crewman Jarrid Demonical, assigned to 92nd Company, was removed for inactivity (20/3/2000) Crewman Grehab UfthakK, assigned to 92nd Company, was removed for inactivity (20/3/2000) Crewman Thomas Long, assigned to Naval Reserve, was transported to Kessel (23/3/2000) Crewman Gareth Bryne, assigned to Naval Reserve, was transported to Kessel (23/3/2000) Crewman DFABlur, assigned to 14th Company, was removed upon his own request (25/3/2000) Other stuff: Crewman Spoz became the new CO of 82nd Company (18/3/2000) Crewman Outsider has been promoted to the rank of Fl-.Cpl and became the new XO of 74th Company (18/3/2000) Cmdr Nugehan became the XO of Calaron Sector Fleet (20/3/2000) Cmdr Drak Trooper came back to active duty as CO of 8th Fleet (21/3/2000) Lt Alekseyev resumed his position as XO of 8th Fleet (21/3/2000) Lt (jg) Ivy Jade, XO of 12th Fleet, joined Naval Reserve (23/3/2000) Lt-Cmdr Pocebokli, assigned to 121st Company, beacme the new XO of 12th Fleet (23/3/2000) Lt (jg) Manzeen, XO of 1st Fleet, joined the INMD (23/3/2000) Lt-Cmdr Samurai, XO of 11th Fleet, has a new e-mail-address: [Mailaddress] Crewman Renault, assigned to 14th Company, became XO of 14th company (25/3/2000) March 27th to April 3rd Assigned recruits: Crewman Wraith ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 5239909), assigned to 174th Company (3/4/2000) (3/4/2000) Crewman Hitman ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 69131636), assigned to 126th Company (3/4/2000) Crewman Scott Saunders ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 124th Company (3/4/2000) Jacen Agoff ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 33115071), asisgned to 114th Company (3/4/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Crewman JraThrwan, assigned to 31st Recon Company, left the Combine (26/3/2000) (assigned ship: ICC Mortiis) Crewman Phennir, XO of 72nd Company, left the Combine (29/3/2000) (assigned ship: TIE/B Rain) Other stuff: Fl-Cpl Deredge became CO of 44th Company (26/3/2000) Fl-Sgt Podalire became the Dirctor of the newly created INMD with the rank of Surgeon General and was promoted to the rank of Ensign (29/3/2000) Crewman Goth, assigned to 73rd company, became CO of 73rd company and got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (29/3/2000) Crewman Zuggs, assigned to 72nd Company, became promoted to the rank opf Fl-Cpl for his work on the webpage of 71st Company (29/3/2000) Fl-Cpl Outsider, XO of 74th Company, became promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt for his work as an XO and on the webpage of 74th company (29/3/2000) Fl-Sgt Kenobi, CO of 72nd Company got promoted to the rank of Ensign for his work for the INPO and the Fleetīs KS (29/3/2000) Ensign Maarek Stele, CO of 74th Company, got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) for his work as Security Officer of 7th Fleet and as webmaster of the Fleetīs webpage. (29/3/2000) Fl-Cpl Goth, CO of 73rd Company, became Assistant Director of the INMD with the rank of Doctor (31/3/2000) Lt (jg) Dwarth, CO of Alpha Company, got promoted to the rank of Lt and became CO of Epsilon Company (31/3/2000) Lt Skills, CO of Epsilon Company, became XO of Epsilon Company (31/3/2000) Fl-Cpl Corman, XO of Epsilon Company, was removed off this position (31/3/2000) Crewmnan Jake B, assigned to Delta Company, was transferred to Epsilon Company (31/3/2000) Crewman Krillo, XO of Alpha Company, was transfered to Epsilon Company (31/3/2000) Lt (jg) Savk, CO of Delta Company, was promoted to the rank of Lt and became XO of NCF (31/3/2000) Lt Stajda, XO of NCF, got promoted to the rank of Lt and became CO of Alpha Company (31/3/2000) Crewman OVERMIND, assigned to Epsilon Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (31/3/2000) Manzeen joind the INMD (28/3/2000) April 4th to 10th: Assigned recruits: Crewman Sean Kilgour ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 53890412), assigned to 54th Company. (7/4/2000) Crewman Kranma ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 13th Company (7/4/2000) Crewman Davie ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 65553114), assigned to 113th Company (7/4/2000) Crewman Duff ([Mailaddress]; UIN:22126567), assigned to 136th Company (7/4/2000) Crewman Sed-Ja Kiuni ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 134th Company (7/4/2000) Members of the Empire, who left: Crewman Sidious, assigned to 54th Company, was removed for inactivity (4/4/2000) Crewman CīBoath, assigened to 3rd Company, left the Empire (8/4/2000) Crewman Astua, assigned to 3rd Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Crewman Weasel, assigned to 3rd Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Crewman Brakiss, CO of 2nd Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Crewman FLC_HeavyMetal, assigned to 4th Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Crewman Grinch, assigned to 1st Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Other stuff: Fl-Cpl Tiberius Tarkin, CO of 53rd Comapny, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (4/4/2000) Crewman Cynic Rouge, CO of 54th Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (4/4/2000) Fl-Cpl Wells, XO of 51st Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (4/4/2000) Cpt Dreighton, assigned to Alpha Company, joined the INMD with the rank of Medical Assistant (4/4/2000) Crewman Wrath, assigned to 174th Company was reassigned to 54th Company (7/4/2000) Fl-Cpl Corman became the Security Officer of Naval Command Fleet (7/4/2000) Lt-Cmdr Uebles, CO of 12th fleet, got promoted to the rank of Cmdr (7/4/2000) Ensign Charon, CO of 13th Company, has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress] Crewman Weasel, assigned to 3rd Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Crewman Brakiss, CO of 2nd Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Crewman FLC_HeavyMetal, assigned to 4th Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Crewman Grinch, assigned to 1st Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity (8/4/2000) Fl-Sgt Tiberius Tarkin, CO of 53rd Comapny, joined the INMD (4/4/2000) Cmdr Nugehan Oniyaja joind the INMD (7/4/2000) April 11th to April 19th Assigned recruits: Crewan Raydan ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 350942040), assigned to 113th Company (12/04/2000) Crewman Decker ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 41535712), assigned to 174th Company (12/04/2000) Crewman Gorynel ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 174th Company (12/04/2000) Crewman Roger ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 73rd Company (12/4/2000) Crewman Duncan Hallek ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 70308993), assigned to 13th Company (18/04/2000) Please assign him the IBF Xerxes. Crewman Kenny ([Mailaddress], UIN: 64762854), assigned to 53rd Company (19/4/2000) Members of the navy, who left: Crewman Weasel, assigned to Naval Reserve, was removed for inactivity (11/4/2000) Crewman Brakiss, assigned to Naval Reserve, was removed for inactivity (11/4/2000) Crewman FLC_HeavyMetal, assigned to Naval Reserve, was rremoved for inactivity (11/4/2000) Crewman Grinch, assigned to Naval Reserve, was removed for inactivity (11/4/2000) Crewman ninja, assigned to 53rd Company, left the Combine (13/4/2000) Fl-Cpl Denatus, assigned to Naval Reserve, left the Combine because of RL issues (16/4/2000) Crewman Todesengel asked to be removed from the Empire (17/4/2000) Awards: LOC and Company CO test ribbon to Fl-Sgt Scythe, CO of 14th Company (11/4/2000) NAA to Cpt Dreighton, assigned to Alpha Company (17/4/2000) LOC to Fl-Sgt Greyswan for donating his personal ship to the Navy (17/4/2000) FCO to (17/4/2000): Fleet Admiral Simms Admiral von Esling Grand Moff Ptjedi Grand Moff Tj Grand Moff Kirov Quel-Droma Commodore T. Durmin Captain Opey Ryac Captain Peich Captain Quaxo Cmdr IWAssassin Cmdr Nugehan Cmdr Count Uebles Cmdr Dark Trooper Cmdr Huzz Lord Lt-Cmdr Kast Derrnon Lt-Cmdr Samurai Lt-Cmdr Thrawn24 Lt-Cmdr Kaninen Lt Morbelis Lt ArkadyAlekseyev Six-month-of-service-ribbon to (18/4/2000): Ensign Charon, interim XO of 1st Fleet, CO of 13th Company Lt -Cmdr Kast Derrnon, CO 13th Fleet Lt Savk, XO of NCF Lt Machkhit, CO of 71st Company Lt Vir Calder, assigned to 1754th Company Lt (jg) Charon, interim XO of 1st Fleet, CO of 13th Company Ensign Steven Kenobi, CO of 72nd Company Fl-Sgt Alun Tringad, assigned to 94th Company Fl-Sgt Jarrod Silverstar, XO 81st Company Fl-Sgt Drago, assigned to 31st Recon Company Fl-Sgt Darth Lightning, CO 81st Company Fl-Sgt Melvar, CO of 133rd Company Fl-Sgt Jones, CO of 41st Company Fl-Sgt Sniper, CO of 134th Company Fl-Sgt Zoombini, XO 31st Recon Company Fl-Sgt Zephlin A'bath, assigend to 93rd Company Fl-Sgt Outsider, XO of 74th Company Fl-Sgt Kelyn Scythe, CO 14th Company Fl-SgtSummoning, assigned to 42nd Company Fl-Sgt Ryan Lightdarker, assigned to 123rd Company Fl-Cpl Ace Lightning, CO of 83rd Company Fl-Cpl Jedi Anger, XO of 84th Company Fl-Cpl Dran Nagar, assigned to 4th company Fl-Cpl Condar, XO 114th Company Fl-Cpl Corman, Xo of Zeta Company Crewman starreacher, assigned to 4th Company Crewman Swerdilk, assigned to 31st Recon Company Crewman Kench Yucan, assigned to 1st Company Crewman Gur Thal, XO 11th Company Crewman Hitman, assigned to 126th Comapny Crewman Kain, assigned to 121st Company Crewman _Akain, assigned to 124th Company Crewman Astua, assigned to 3rd Company The following members of the navy could not recive theire awards because they are currently in Naval Reserve: Lt (jg) Jameison, assigned to Naval Reserve Crewman Mekong, assigned to Naval Reserve INIS service award (19/4/2000): Assistant Director Commander Count Uebles Assistant Director Lieutenant-Commander Pocebokli Security Officer of the Imperial Command Fleet, Flight Sergeant Keefus Security Officer of the Naval Command Fleet, Flight Corporal Corman Security Officer of the 1st Fleet, Lieutenant JG Mirran Security Officer of the 4th Fleet, Ensign LocuS Security Officer of the 5th Fleet, Ensign Blackfear Security Officer of the 7th Fleet, Ensign Maarek Stele Security Officer of the 8th Fleet, Flight Corporal Torian Fetisov Security Officer of the 9thFleet, Flight Sergeant Herbert Kaine Security Officer of the 11th Fleet, Lieutenant Commander Samurai Security Officer of the 12th Fleet, Lieutenant Commander Pocebokli Security Officer of the 13th Fleet, Flight Sergeant Sniper Security Officer of the 3rd Recon Fleet is under investigation. Other stuff: Melvar, CO of 133rd Company, was transfered to 131st Company (12/4/2000) Lt Skills, XO of Epsilon Company, became CO of Zeta Company (12/4/2000) Fl-Cpl Corman, assigned to Epsilon Company, became XO of Zeta Company (12/4/2000) Ensign Charon, CO of 13th Company, got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (12/4/2000) Fl-Sgt Sathanas, assigned to 114th company, was arrested for decursion of his post (12/4/2000) Ensign Are Wold got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (15/4/2000) Lt Endorph Morbelis, interim CO of 1st Fleet, became CO of 1st Fleet (17/4/2000) Lt (jg) Manzeen, interim XO of 1st Fleet, became XO of 1st Fleet (17/4/2000) Lt Endorph Morbelis, CO of 1st Fleet was relieved of command (18/4/2000) Lt (jg) Manzeen, XO of 1st Fleet was relieved of command (18/4/2000) Lt (jg) Miran, CO of 11th Company and Security Officer of 1st Fleet was relieved of command (18/4/2000) Admiral von Esling took command of 1st Fleet (18/4/2000) Lt (jg) Charon became interim XO of 1st Fleet (18/4/2000) Crewman Raydanīs UIN is 70561156. Lt (jg) Charon has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress]. Lt Karrde, please correct the following mistake in the alphabetical list: Fl-Sgt A'bath is assigned to 91st (not 93rd) Company. Also I noticed Cmdr Mandorallen as CO of 12th Fleet on the alphabetical list. Remove him. He is no longer a member of the Navy. And check the list of security officers above and make sure that all of them are marked as such in the Navy roster. Add Lt-Cmdr Thrawn ([Mailaddress]) on the roster under "special assignments" April 19th to April 26th: Assigned recruits: Crewman Osore Qualm ([Mailaddress], UIN: 71459825), assigned to 74th Company (21/4/2000) Crewman DakotaJack ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 35241250, assigned to 74th Company (21/4/2000) Crewman James Bond ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 58670862), assigned to 173th Company (22/4/2000) Crewman Agula Katarn ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 71381773), assigned to 173rd Company (22/4/2000) Crewman Darth Lucifer ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 070510474), assigned to 114th Company. Crewman Hack_skice ([Mailaddress]), assigned to Zeta Company (26/4/2000) Crewman Deros Telmarkin ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 63198968), assigned to 83rd Company (26/4/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Crewman Dracoin, assigned to 112th Company, was arrested for deserting from his post (20/4/2000) Crewman Little, assigned to 34th Recon Company, deffected to the Rebellion (25/4/2000) Awards: Ens Ying Lee, CO of 82nd Company, recived a LOC for helping Cmdr IWAssassin with the design of the NHQ page (22/4/2000) Other stuff: Lt (jg) Surber, assigned to 3rd Recon Fleet got promoted to the rank of Lt and became interim XO of 1st Fleet (19/4/2000) Cynic Rouge, CO 54th Company, joined the INMD (25/4/2000) Fl-Sgt Drago, assigned to 31st Recon Fleet has a new e-mail-address: [Mailaddress] Ensign Podalire has a new e-mai address: [Mailaddress] Crewman Hallek has a new e-mail-address: [Mailaddress] To add from last week: Zuggs, XO of 72nd Company, joined the INMD (13/4/2000) April 27th to May 1st Assigned recruits: Crewman Homtelium ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 55495549), assigned to 124th Company (30/4/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Fl-Cpl Gur Thal, XO of 11th Company, was removed for inactivity (27/4/2000) Fl-Cpl Dash Tremonti, assigned to 11th Company, was removed for inactivity (27/4/2000) It was only now brought to my attention that Fl-Cpl Vin Tarsel, XO of 13th Company, left the Combine on April 9th. Other stuff: Lt (jg) Are Wold, CO of 112th Company, became the new Acting director of the INA (28/4/2000) The following people joined project FOR on May 1st: Lt (jg) Dr chuckles, [Mailaddress], UIN: 55999009 Lt-Cmdr Vistate, [Mailaddress], UIN: 39402387 Lt Dwarth, [Mailaddress], UIN: 1477531 Fl-Sgt Alun Tringad, [Mailaddress], UIN: 18001147 To: Captain Dreighton Cc: Grand Admiral Veynom From: Lt. Karrde Ma'am, list of changes for the last week : 02/05/2000 - 07/05/2000 *** Assigned recruits to the Navy: Dark Oensky, e-mail: [Mailaddress] ,UIN: 72101919, assigned to 94th Company (02/05/2000) Maiak Grimilzikor, e-mail: [Mailaddress], assigned to 133rd Company (02/05/2000) Droideka, e-mail: [Mailaddress], assigned to 43rd Company (03/05/2000) *** Recruits sent to Captain Slider: Private Inigo (03/05/2000) Private Stufine (05/05/2000) *** Contacted recruits: 1. wytzigo - I sent him mail again asking if he wants to join. No reply. 2. Alastair (AliE on the list) - sent him mail informing him that he isn't on the list and if he wants to join. No reply. 3. One recruit sent two mails with two different hanles. One handle is Xaros and the other on is Draco. Both mails in his application form are the same ([Mailaddress]). Also, he is not on the Member's list yet. I sent him mail saying that he can only have one account in the combine, and to tell me wich one is correct. No reply yet. 4. The female with initial handle Fing27 wasn't on the list. I sent her mail asking for her right handle and mail. She replied sending me handle Tetra and mail [Mailaddress] . But, that wasn't in the members list either. I sent her another mail saying that those info is wrong and that she isn't on the members list yet. No reply on that mail yet. 5. I sent mail to recruit Crab. He replied and decided not to join. I reminded all contacted recruits that they have to choose Galactic Empire as their faction in the ICIS software they have to download from the SWCombine members page. I will forward you all the mails I received while you were gone, but those you sent me, of course. You will get 4 mails. 1. Application form from Stufine, he is already sent to Slider. 2. Application form from Draco. 3. Application form from Xaros. (2 and 3 is the same guy) 4. Reply from Fing27, now Tetra. *** *** Members of the Navy who left: Fl-Cpl Zirk Fontain, 94th Company XO, ship: TIE/Ln Oysseus, left the Combine (INPO notified on 03/05/200, he left earlier but never said anything) Crewman Exquinox, 52nd Company, ship: TIE/B Desert Storm, expelled for inactivity (04/05/2000) Crewman Wraith, 54th Company, ship: T/Ln noname 564-575, expelled for inactivity (04/05/2000) Members of the Navy who entered Naval Reserves: Lt. Morai, 131st Company CO, (02/04/2000) (INPO informed 03/05/2000) Crewman Duff, 134th Company, (22/04/2000) (INPO informed 03/05/2000) Ensign Halm Vendrella, 51st Company CO, ship: INB Inquisitor, (04/05/2000) Other stuff: Sean Kilgour, 54th Company, has different handle in the combine: Drath Meldect Ensign Steven Kenobi, 72nd Company CO, ship: TIE/B Diamond, joined Imperial R&D (03/05/2000) Fl-Cpl Zuggs, 72nd Company, become 72nd CO Lieutenant Veller Kan, Naval Reserves, rejoined the 3rd Fleet, and was assigned to 31st Company (04/05/200) Crewman Mike Jones, 54th Company, joined Imperial R&D, ship: TIE/Ln Stormbringer (04/05/2000) Fl-Cpl Cynic Rouge became 54th Company CO (04/05/2000) Crewman Vader was promoted to the rank of Flight Corporal (04/05/2000) Ensign Podalire was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (junior grade) by GA Veynom (05/05/2000) Fl-Sgt Ryan Lightdarker was promoted to the rank of Ensign by Cmdr Count Uebles (06/05/2000) Fl-Cpl Kaneda was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt by Cmdr Count Uebles (06/05/2000) Crewman Mulder was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl by Cmdr Count Uebles (06/05/2000) and is appointed as 124th Company CO (earlier but INPO was informed on this date) May 8th to May 15th Recruits sent to Slider: Moff Eric ([Mailaddress]) (12/5/2000) natedog ([Mailaddress]) (12/5/2000) Duncan Marr ([Mailaddress]) (12/5/2000) Niels ([Mailaddress]) (12/5/2000) Lothar Beck ([Mailaddress]) (15/5/2000) Kada-Ven Koss ([Mailaddress]) (15/5/2000) Wes Stewart ([Mailaddress]) (15/5/2000) Assigned recruits: Crewman JodoKast ([Mailaddress], UIN: 35532266), assigned to 33rd Recon Company (12/5/2000) Crewman Kamakazi911 ([Mailaddress], UIN: 73550191), assigned to 84th Company (12/5/2000) Crewman doublezer7 ([Mailaddress] [preferred address] ; [Mailaddress] [officially used address], UIN:73619798), assigned to 73rd Company (12/5/2000) Crewman CīBaoth ([Mailaddress], UIN: 61389634), assigned to 51st Company, handle: CBaoth (15/5/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Fl-Sgt Jarrod Silvestar, XO 81st Company XO (07/05/2000) (assigned ship: IBR Excalibur) Crewman Corrian, assigned to 84th Company (07/05/2000) (assigned ship: TIE/Ln Reaver) Crewman Thundyr, assigned to 84th Company (07/05/2000) (assigned ship: TIE/Ln Demon) Crewman Kain, assigned to 121st Company, defected (08/05/2000) (ship: IBR Domineer) Fl-Cpl Leman Russ, assigned to124th Company, declared AWOL, to be removed on request of Cmdr Uebles (08/05/2000) (assigned ship: TIE/Ln Cyclops ) Awards: Lt (jg) Carg, recieved a LOC (9/5/2000) Ensign Sniper, recieved a LOC (9/5/2000) Fl-Sgt Abath, recieved a LOC (9/5/2000) Fl-Sgt Kaine recieved a LOC (9/5/2000) Fl-Sgt Tringad recieved a LOC (9/5/2000) Kast Dernon recieved a LOC (14/5/2000) Cmdr Count Uebles, CO of 12th Fleet, recieved the Naval Intelligence Achievement Award (15/5/2000) Other stuff: Lt (jg) Todtstelzer, XO of 5th Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Lt (10/5/2000) Ensign Blackfear, CO of 52nd Company, got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (10/5/2000) Ensign Steven Kenobi, member of R&D department, was transfered to 131st Company (11/5/2000) Fl-Sgt Tiberius Tarkin, CO of 53rd Company, was demoted to the rank of Crewman (11/5/2000) Fl-Cpl Luther Starbringer came back to active duty as a member of 31st Recon Company (12/5/2000) Lt Morai MacEoin, assigned to Naval Reserve, came back to active duty and is reassigned to 131st Company (12/05/2000) Crewman Daven Morad, XO of 34th Recon Company was promted to the rank of Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 10/10 result (12/5/2000) Crewman Grimilzikor, assigned to 133rd Company, was promted to the rank of Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 10/10 result (12/5/2000) Fl-Cpl Plate Haigen, assigned to 113th Company, got promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt for his work in 113th Comapany and his work on the fleet logo (12/5/2000) Fl-Sgt Vold Greyswan, CO of 84th Company, was promoted to the rank of Ensign (13/5/2000) Crewman Tarkin, assigned to 53rd Company, was expelled from the INMD (14/5/2000) May 16th to May 22nd Crewman Harja ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 31st Recon Company (16/5/2000) Crewman Johann, [Mailaddress], assigned to 84th Company (19/05/2000) Crewman PHOENIX_ROLF, [Mailaddress], assigned to 136th Company (19/05/2000) Crewman Jareth Naladak, [Mailaddress], 63942415, assigned to 52nd Company (20/05/2000) Crewman Thrax Mincoul ([Mailaddress], UIN: 74829465), assigned to 114th Company (22/5/2000) Crewman Tybo ([Mailaddress], UIN: 71888257), assigned to 72nd Company (22/5/2000) Crewman Dende Guru ([Mailaddress], UIN: 74430923), assigned to 173rd Company (22/5/2000) Members of the Navy who left: Crewman Darth Lucifer, 114th Company, left the Combine (15/05/2000) (last ship assigned: TIE/Ln Death) Fl-Cpl Flashz, 93rd Company, left the Empire (18/05/2000) (last ship assigned: IDS Shadow Knight 1) Crewman Travis Massey, 93rd Company, left the Empire (18/05/2000) (last ship assigned: IBF Samson; ship not marked as assigned on the roster) Crewman Thringus, 93rd Company, left the Empire (18/05/2000) (last ship assigned: ISG Corona) Crewman Lord Ryker, assigned to 34th Recon Company, was removed for inactivity (22/5/2000) Other stuff: Commander Tannim Kole, assigned to Naval Reserve, returned to active duty and joined the Imperial R&D (15/05/2000) Ensign LocuS, XO of 4th Fleet) was promoted to Lt(jg). (17/05/2000) Flt Srg. Jones, CO of 41st Company, was promoted to Ensign. (17/05/2000) Lt (jg) Darrian Carg, XO of 9th Fleet, got promoted to Lieutenant (18/05/2000) Fl-Sgt Incubus Kaine, XO of 91st Company - got promoted to Ensign and changed his e-mail address to [Mailaddress] (18/05/2000) Fl-Sgt A'bat, CO of 91st Company, got promoted to Ensign (18/05/2000) Fl-Sgt Alund Tringad, CO of 94th Company, got promoted to Ensign (18/05/2000) Captain Oniyaya has new mail address: [Mailaddress] (18/05/2000) Crewman James Little re-joined 34th Company (18/05/2000) Fl-Cpl OVERMIND, assigned to Epsilon Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (19/05/2000) Crewman JodoKast, assigned to 33rd Recon, was promoted to Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T with 10/10 (20/05/2000) Crewman James Bond, assigned to 173rd Company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T with 10/10 (20/05/2000) Captain Quaxo, CO of 5th Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Commodore (20/05/2000) Captain Opey Ryac, XO of 3rd Recon Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Commodore (20/05/2000) Captain Peich, CO of 7th Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Commodore (20/05/2000) Fl-Cpl Vader, assigned to 53rd Company, transfered to ISO (21/5/2000) 23/05/2000-31/05/2000 Assigned recruits: Crewman Mobidic ([Mailaddress], 60612576) assigned to 53rd Company (26/05/2000) Crewman Sloth Of Chunk ([Mailaddress], 75159406), assigned to 174th Company (26/05/2000) Crewman Predator ([Mailaddress], UIN: 11885869), assigned to 121st Company (29/5/2000) Crewman Krelian ([Mailaddress], UIN: 71379834), assigned to 111th Company (29/5/2000) Crewman Darth Vaign ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 81st Company (29/5/2000) Crewman Senate5000 ([Mailaddress], UIN: 52189704), assigned to 54th Company (29/5/2000) Crewman Raijin ([Mailaddress], UIN: 75380306), assigned to 36th Company (29/5/2000) Crewman Novarius ([Mailaddress], 44944827), assigned to 93rd Company (29/5/2000) Crewman jamesbond523 ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 93rd Company (29/5/2000) Crewman Wytzigo ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 94th Company (29/5/2000) Crewman James Byars ([Mailaddress], 3712813), assigned to 34th Recon Company (30/5/2000) Crewman Mat Tull ([Mailaddress], 36104898), assigned to 94th Company (31/5/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Agula Katarn was banned from the Combine (29/5/2000) Crewman Sloth of Chunk, assigned to 174th Company, was banned from the Combine (29/5/2000) Promotions: Fl-Cpl Condar, 114th Company, promoted to Fl-Sgt ("a while ago" was the answer when I asked the guy when he was promoted. I sent him a cc of message regarding the new recruit and he sent me icq message infoming me that he is Fl-Sgt now. I wonder why the INPO wasn't informed.) Fl-Sgt Skythe, CO of 14th Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign (23/5/2000) Fl-Sgt Harkn, CO of 12th Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign (23/5/2000) Fl-Cpl Ace Ligthening, CO of 83rd Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign (26/5/2000) Fl-Cpl Fetisov, XO of 83rd Company, got promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (26/5/2000) Flight Sergeant Wells, CO 51st Support Company, was promoted to Ensign (26/05/2000) Crewman Placid, CO 53rd Transport Company, was promoted to Flight Corporal (26/05/2000) Crewman Mike Jones, XO 54th Escort Company, was promoted to Flight Corporal (26/05/2000) Flight Corporal Vader, 53rd Company, was promoted to Flight Sergeant (26/05/2000) Flight Corporal Cynic Rouge, CO 54th Escort Company, was promoted to Flight Sergeant(26/05/2000) Other stuff: Fl-Sgt Vader left the Navy and joined Special Operations (Army) (26/05/2000) The following members of the Navy recived the six-month-of-service award on 30/5/2000 Lt Morai MacEoin, CO 131st Company Lt (jg) Podalire, XO of 31st Recon Company Ensign Ryan Lightdarker, CO of 121st Company Fl-Cpl Lord Sala, assigned to 42nd Company Fl-Cpl Tidas Kelid, CO of 43rd Company Fl-Cpl Josh Ranjill, assigned to 44th Comapny Crewman Mkleiber, assigned to 73rd Company Crewman Luther Starbringer, assigned to 31st ReconCompany Crewman Krillo, assigned to Epsilon Company Corrections for the personal files: Fl-Cpl Tidas Kelil: Entry date (Combine): 10/11/1999; Entry date (Navy): 13/11/1999 June 1st to June 7th Assigned recruits: Crewman Keego Lightdarker ([Mailaddress], 48415718), assigned to 123rd Company (02/06/2000) Crewman Wunderwolf ([Mailaddress], 7060661), assigned to 52nd Company (02/06/2000) Crewman Gabriel Campos ([Mailaddress], 404205), assigned to 124th Company (02/06/2000) Members of the Navy who left: First some addenda from last week: Fl-Cpl Wicked, 72nd Company, relegated to Naval Reserve (27/05/2000) Crewman Dark Oensky, 94th Company, left the Navy (29/05/2000) Crewman INVADER, 94th Company, left the Navy (29/05/2000) Fl-Cpl Daven Morad, 34th Company XO, relegated to Naval Reserve (30/05/2000) and now the new stuff: Crewman Wunderwolf, assigned to 52nd Company, was removed because he created a non-human character. (3/6/2000) Crewman Scott Saunders, assigned to 124th Company, defected from the Empire (3/6/2000). Promotions: Crewman Pink, Epsilon Company, promoted to Fl-Cpl (02/06/2000) Fl-Cpl Corman, Zeta Company, promoted to Fl-Sgt (02/06/2000) Crewman Hack_Skice, assigned to Zeta Company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 10/10 result. (2/6/2000) Other stuff: Chief Medical Assistant Manzeen became Interim XO of the INMD, because Chief Surgeon Goth will be on leave for several weeks (2/6/2000) Crewman MKleiber became XO of 73rd Company (2/6/2000) Ensign Ryan Lightdarker, CO 121st Company, has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress] Commander Thrwan24 went on leave and left command of 4th Fleet to his XO, Lt (jg) LocuS for in indetermined period because of RL issues (7/6/2000) Lt Stajda, CO of Alpha Company, became CO of Delta Company (7/6/2000) June 8th to June 14th Assigned recruits: Reiziger, [Mailaddress] ([Mailaddress], prefer), 8935417, assigned to 13th Company (08/06/2000) Medivh, [Mailaddress], 277482864, assigned to 13th Company (08/06/2000) Morpheus, [Mailaddress], 74525209, assigned to 14th Company (08/06/2000) Wild Dog, [Mailaddress], 76460590, assigned to 54th Company (08/06/2000) Corbin Daas, [Mailaddress] 28794624, assigned to 42nd Company (08/06/2000) Kavlin Augill, [Mailaddress], 76179334, assigned to 94th Company (08/06/2000) Mik Til Gaan, [Mailaddress], 24283524, assigned to 126th Company (08/06/2000) Melkhior, [Mailaddress], 76576012, assigned to 13th Company (09/06/2000) - ILS Galahad 1 -12 Garris Doole, [Mailaddress], 13084713, assigned to 131st Company (09/06/2000) - ILF Gladiator Val Fi Ton, [Mailaddress], 50870172, assigned to 83rd Company (09/06/2000) - IDS "your choice,sir :), no ship available according to the ships list, there is Obstructor, but that squad is reserved for Imperial Command Fleet" Johnny Storm, [Mailaddress] (, assigned to 12th Company (09/06/2000) - TIE/B Sardaukar Bevel Lemelisk, [Mailaddress], 69009338, assigned to 133rd Company (09/06/2000)- ILS Neutron Members that left: Addenda: Crewman delsari, 126th Company, executed for inactivity (11/05/2000 - Karrde found out accidentaly on 03/06/2000) Jib Wiseman, 14th Company, left the Combine, (05/06/2000) Sith_apprentice, 14th Company, left the Combine, (05/06/2000) Kranma, 14th Company, left the Combine, (05/06/2000) Grodin Kuat (INPO doesnt have his e-mail, he was XO of the 1st Fleet few months ago) (05/06/2000) Osore Qualm, 74th Company, removed for inactivity (08/06/2000) Promotions: Addenda: Fl-Cpl Zalasas (handle: Zero) promoted to Fl-Sgt (05/06/2000) Commander Dark Trooper, promoted to Captain (07/06/2000) Commander IWAssassin, promoted to Captain (07/06/2000) Lieutenant Karrde, promoted to Lieutenant-Commander (07/06/2000) Other stuff: Ensign Harkn became XO of 11th comany (12/6/2000) Crewman Homtelium, assigned to124th Company, has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress] Lt Vir Calder changed his e-mial address to: [Mailaddress] Cherokee joind the Navy with the rank of Vice-Admiral and the position of Command Coordination Officer (CCO) (13/6/2000) Crewman Tiberius Tarkin, assigend to 53rd Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (6/6/2000) one-year-of-service-ribbon on 14/6/2000: Lt (jg) Are Wold [Mailaddress] Lt Arkady Alekseyev [Mailaddress] Cpt IWAssassin [Mailaddress] Lt (jg) Blackfear [Mailaddress] Lt Felix Cessna [Mailaddress] Lt Chris Stajda [Mailaddress] Ensign Harkn [Mailaddress] Cmdr Count Uebles [Mailaddress] Cpt Dark Trooper [Mailaddress] Lt-Cmdr Death [Mailaddress] Lt Dwarth [Mailaddress] Lt Endorph Morbelis [Mailaddress] Admiral Gunther von Esling [Mailaddress] Cmdr Huzz Lord [Mailaddress] Ensign Incubus Kaine [Mailaddress] Ensign JediMan84 [Mailaddress] Cpt Jennifer Dreighton [Mailaddress] Lt (jg) Manzeen [Mailaddress] Lt-Cmdr Kaninen Tylger [Mailaddress] Fl-Sgt Keefus [Mailaddress] Lt (jg) Maarek Stele [Mailaddress] Ensign Wells [Mailaddress] Comdr Nughehan Onijaya [Mailaddress] Commodore Opey Ryac [Mailaddress] Commpodore Peich [Mailaddress] Commodore Quaxo [Mailaddress] Ensign Ravyn [Mailaddress] Lt-Cmdr Samurai [Mailaddress] Fleet Admiral Simms [Mailaddress] Lt Skills [Mailaddress] Lt Surber [Mailaddress] Fl-Sgt Tarrel [Mailaddress] Lt-Cmdr Thrawn [Mailaddress] Lt-Cmdr thrawn24 [Mailaddress] Commodore Tiree Durmin [Mailaddress] Lt Todtstelzer [Mailaddress] Grand Admiral [Mailaddress] Lt-Cmdr Xilan [Mailaddress] Ensign Halm Vendrella [Mailaddress] would be entiteled, but is currently in Naval Reserve. June 15th to June 25th Assigned recruits: Crewman Judicator, [Mailaddress], UIN: 39239195, assigned to 13th Company (15/06/2000) Crewman Ace Blair, [Mailaddress], UIN: 77105528, assigned to 123rd Company (15/06/2000) Crewman Gall, [Mailaddress], UIN: 58210145, assigned to 173rd Company, (15/06/2000) Crewman Trajan, [Mailaddress], UIN: 65466862, assigned to 12th Company (15/06/2000) Crewman Shihoken, [Mailaddress], assigned to 114th Company (15/06/2000) Crewman NightPhantom, [Mailaddress], UIN: 20422381, assigned to 136th Company (15/06/2000) Crewman DragonScape, [Mailaddress], UIN: 75805060, assigned to 93rd Company (16/06/2000) Crewman Ghent, [Mailaddress], assigned to 93rd Company (16/06/2000) Drandeii, [Mailaddress], UIN: 77443724, assigned to 52nd Company (16/06/2000) Crewman Ysanne Isard1 ([Mailaddress], UIN: 73093612), assigned to Delta Company (20/6/2000) Crewman Ashram ([Mailaddress], UIN: 41127162), assigned to Delta Company (20/6/2000) Crewman Chuvash, [Mailaddress], UIN: 77468132), assigned to 134th Company (20/6/2000) Crewman Draconis ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 134th company (20/6/2000) Crewman Ernesto Vasquez ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 78012049) assigned to 34th Recon Company (22/6/2000) Crewman Yevel ("official" address:[Mailaddress], prefered address: [Mailaddress], UIN:29818916), assigned to 133rd Company (22/6/2000) Crewman Corbin Esco ("official" address: [Mailaddress], prefered address: [Mailaddress], UIN: 78467290), assigned to 113th Company (25/6/2000) Crewman Lanor ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 114th Copmpany (25/6/2000) Crewman hellbound_exs ([Mailaddress], UIN: 7251059), assigned to 44th Company (25/6/2000) Members that left: Crewman Swerdilk, 31st Company, removed for inactivity (10/06/2000) Lt-Cmdr Pocebokli, XO 12th Fleet, left the Navy (11/06/2000) Crewman Mik Til Gaan, 126th Company, removed for inactivity (14/06/2000) (At least this is what I got from Lt-Cmdr Karrde. As he also disappeared from the Empireīs memberlist, this looks more like defection. His case is under investigation.) Crewman Naladak, 5th Fleet, left the Empire and joined Bounty Hunter Alliance (14/06/2000) Crewman CBaoth, 5th Fleet, relegated to Naval Reserve on his own request (14/06/2000) Fl-Cpl Dran Nagar, 4th Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve for inactivity on request by Commodore Durmin (20/6/2000) Crewman Ysan Isard, assigned to Delta Company, had to be removed on request of Minister Kiie (25/6/2000) Crewman Grendel , [Mailaddress], 33rd Recon, removed for inactivity (21/06/2000) Crewman Rudi, [Mailaddress], 32nd Recon, removed for inactivity (21/06/2000) Crewman Ched Hunter, [Mailaddress], 32nd Recon, removed for inactivity (21/06/2000) Crewman Slash Dryve, [Mailaddress], 36th Recon, removed for inactivity (21/06/2000) Darth Lightning, 81st Company, defected to Black Sun (have to double check the date) Crewman demon, assigend to 52nd Company, left the Combine (24/6/2000) Promotions: Crewman Wytzigo promoted to Fl-Cpl for perfect ARIT results (10/06/2000) Crewman Novarius promoted to Fl-Cpl for perfect ARIT results (10/06/2000) Lt (jg) Blackfear, CO 52nd Company, was promoted to full Lieutenant (14/06/2000) Ensign Wells, CO 51st Company, was promoted to Lt (jg) (14/06/2000) Fl Sgt Cynic Rouge, CO 54th Company, was promoted to Ensign (14/06/2000) Lt Todtstelzer, XO 5th Fleet, was promoted to Lt Cmdr (14/06/2000) Crewman Luther Starbringer, 31st Recon, was promoted Fl-Cpl (15/06/2000) Commander Count Uebels, 12th Fleet CO, was apparently promoted to Captain (??/??/2000) Lt Endorph, CO 1st Fleet, got promoted to Lt-Cmdr (18/6/2000) Lt-Cmdr Thrawn24, CO of 4th Fleet, got promoted to Commander (18/6/2000) Lt-Cmdr Kaninen, CO of 9th Fleet, got promoted to Commander (18/6/2000) Lt-Cmdr Samurai, XO of 11th Fleet, became CO of 11th Fleet and got promoted to Commander. (18/6/2000) Lt Machkhit, CO 71st Company, got promoted to Lt-Cmdr (18/6/2000) Lt (jg) Are Wold, CO 112th Company, got promoted to Lt (18/6/2000) Crewman Morpheus, 14th Company was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 10/10 (19/6/2000) Fl-Sgt Keefus, CO of 4th Company, was promoted to Ensign (20/6/2000) Crewman Starreacher, 4th Company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl (20/6/2000) Ensign Lightdarker, XO of 12th Fleet, was promoted to Lt (jg) (20/6/2000) Fl-Sgt Kaneda, CO of 1221st Company, got promoted to Ensign (20/6/2000) Crewman Binak Algo, CO of 123rd company, got promoted to Fl-Cpl (20/6/2000) Crewman Homtelium, XO of 124th Company, got promoted to Fl-Cpl (20/6/2000) Lt (jg) Nick Rath, assigned to 3rd Recon Fleet, was promoted to Lt (24/6/200) Ensign Zoombini, CO of 31st Recon Comapny, got promoted to Lt (jg) (24/6/2000) Crewman Harja, 3rd Recon Fleet, promoted to Flight Corporal (18/06/2000) Lt. Commander Vistate, ICF, promoted to Commander (20/06/2000) Fl-Cpl Tarrin got promoted to Fl-Sgt (24/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Starbringer got promoted to Fl-Sgt (24/6/2000) Crewmen Mobidic, promoted to Fl-Cpl (26/06/2000) Crewman Senate500, promoted to Fl-Cpl (26/06/2000) Crewman Wild Dog, promoted to Fl-Cpl (26/06/2000) Awards: Lt (jg) Podalire steped down as XO of 31st Company and recived a LOC from Commodore Ryac (15/6/2000) Ensign Steven Kenobi, assigned to 131st Company, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom for donating his personal ship to the Navy (18/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Zalasas, CO of 12th company, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom for his outstanding work for 1st Fleet (18/6/2000) Other stuff: Crewman Jake Thomas rejoined the Navy from Naval Reserve. Assigned to 74th Company (15/06/2000) Lt (jg) Podalire steped down as XO of 31st Company and recived a LOC from Commodore Ryac (15/6/2000) Cpt Uebles, CO of 12th Fleet steped down as head of NSD and handed this position over to Lt-Cmdr Karrde, CO of 34th Recon Company. (15/6/2000) Commander Samurai, XO 11th Fleet, became CO of 11th Fleet (18/6/2000) Commander Huzz Lord, CO of 11th Fleet, became XO of 11th Fleet (18/6/2000) Crewman Ben Cīboath came back to active duty as a member of 3rd Company (19/6/2000) Lt (jg) Charon, CO 13th Company, became R&D liaison for 1st Fleet (21/6/2000) Chief Medical Assistant Manzeen steped down as XO of INMD (21/6/2000) Lt (jg) Manzeen, XO of 1st Fleet, transfered to 4th Company (21/6/2000) Lt (jg) Mirran, CO 11th Company, beacme XO of 1st Fleet (21/6/200) Ensign Harkn, 11th Company, beacme CO of 11th Company (21/6/2000) Crewman Badlands came back to active duty as a member of 134th Company (23/6/2000) assigned: Badlands TIE-Ln 971-982 Flt-Cpl JodoKast, assigned to 33rd Recon Comany, became CO of 33rd Recon Company (24/6/2000) Crewman Orion Roland Jenru, assigned to 33rd Recon Comany, became XO of 33rd Recon Company (24/6/2000) Fl-Sgt Drago became new XO of the 31st Company (18/06/2000) Flight Cpl. Luther Starbringer has changed e-mail addresses from [Mailaddress] to [Mailaddress] (20/06/2000) Crewman JBrule, assigned to 44th Company, was transefred to 41st Company. (22/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Tidas Kelik, CO of 43rd Company, became XO of 41st Company and got promoted to Fl-Sgt (22/6/2000) Fl-Sgt Summoning, CO 42nd Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign. (22/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Lord Sala, assigned to 42nd Company, became XO of 42nd Company and got promoted to Fl-Sgt (22/6/2000) Fl-Sgt Dreg Teredge, CO of 44th Company, got promoted to the rank of Ensign (22/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Josh Ranjil, assigend to 44th Company, became XO of 44th Company (22/6/2000) removed from the imperial recruitment mailinglist (23/6/2000): [Mailaddress] (none seems to know him, he is not on the Empireīs memberlist) [Mailaddress] (old address of Dr Chuckles) [Mailaddress] (old address of Samurai) [Mailaddress] (old address of Karrde) [Mailaddress] (This is former Crewman Crunch who deffected from the Empire in March. As Command General Ranma decided to make the list exclusive for members of the Empire, he was removed.) June 26th to July 15th Recruits sent to the INA: Crewman Sithlord ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 21360832) (29/6/2000) Crewman Rorthron ([Mailaddress]) (29/6/2000) Crewman Gravison ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 33145627) (29/6/2000) Crewman Vleet Da Snooth ([Mailaddress]) (29/6/200) Crewman Yogurt ([Mailaddress]) (29/6/2000) Crewman Vertigo ([Mailaddress]) (29/6/2000) Crewman Jace Hilbren ([Mailaddress], UIN: 57253724) (4/7/2000) capital ship/transport Crewman Bail Espa ([Mailaddress]/[Mailaddress], UIN: 72705043) (4/7/2000) ?fighter/transport? character allready created Crewman Fabian Kessler ([Mailaddress]) (4/7/2000) fighter Crewman Lt. Guy ([Mailaddress]) (4/7/2000) bomber wants to be assigned to 11th Fleet. Crewman Veth Collare ([Mailaddress]) (4/7/2000) capital ship/transport Crewman bdragon ([Mailaddress]) (4/7/2000) capital ship/transport character allready created Crewman Marcus Kroell ([Mailaddress]) (4/7/2000) fighter character allready created level 1 in Medical Treatment Crewman Darth Jodah ([Mailaddress], UIN:42014151) (4/7/2000) fighter/bomber Crewman Sephiroth ([Mailaddress]) (7/7/2000) assign to Karrdeīs unit Crewman tiger-2214 ([Mailaddress], UIN: 79433978) (7/7/2000) transport character allready created Medical (R&D and Treatment) level 1 Crewman TIBOSITO ([Mailaddress], UIN: 78864091) (7/7/2000) capital ship/transport wants to become a medic and to be assigned to 1st Fleet Crewman Sly Beaver ([Mailaddress], UIN: 61252984) (7/7/2000) capital ship/transport Crewman Aril Kolder ([Mailaddress], UIN: 43800304) (7/7/2000) fighter assign to Dwarthīs unit. Crewmember Jami Morgan ([Mailaddress], UIN: 81254023) (10/7/2000) fighter, interim CO: Count Uebles Crewman MONTU ([Mailaddress]/[Mailaddress], UIN: 56135053) (10/7/2000) scout unit, interim CO: Count Uebles (3rd Recon, if possible) ICQ nick: Clark Kent Crewman Hekels ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 49639720) (10/7/2000) capital ship/transport, interim CO: Count Uebles (13th Fleet by request) demon ([Mailaddress], UIN: 47674503) (10/7/2000) bomber (1st Fleet, if possible) interim CO: Count Uebles Crewman Thrawn ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 58137726) (10/7/2000) capital ship/transport, interim CO: Count Uebles (handle: Grand Admrial Thrawn) Crewman Lyatt Quanvax ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 46974912) (15/7/2000) capital ship/transport, interim CO: Karrde Crewman Redfield ([Mailaddress], UIN: 34447793) (15/7/2000) fighter, interim CO: Karrde Crewman Rodeo ([Mailaddress], UIN: 37878288) (15/7/2000) transport, capital ships, interim CO: Karrde character already approved Crewman BlazingFire ([Mailaddress], UIN: 72996251) (15/7/2000) fighter, interim CO: Karrde assign to 74th Company Members of the navy, who passed the A.R.I.T.: Lieutenant Darrian Carg 10/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Corbin Esco 10/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Yevel 10/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Drandeii 9/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Chronus Renault 8/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Draconis 8/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman NightPhantom 8/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Gary Vertigo 8/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Bail Espa (10/10) (7/7/2000) Crewman Blue Dragon (8/10) (7/7/2000) Crewman Fabian Kessler (8/10) (7/7/2000) Assigned recruits: Crewman Vertigo ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 13th Company ship assigned: IBF Xerxes (9/7/2000) Crewman Bail Espa ([Mailaddress]/[Mailaddress], UIN: 72705043), assigned to 94th Company ship assigned: TIE/Ln 1379-1390 (10/7/2000) Crewman Fabian Kessler ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 124th Company ship assigned: TIE/Ln Richthofen (former TIE/Ln 1391-1402) (10/7/2000) Members, who left: Crewman Judicator, assigned to 13th Company, left the Combine (26/6/2000) Ensign Ravyn, assigend to 111th Company, left the Combine (26/6/2000) Crewman Ace Blair, assigned to 123rd Company, left for a NFG (27/6/2000) Crewman Gall, assigned to 173rd Company, disappeared from the Empireīs memberlist. His case is under investigation. (27/6/2000) Crewman Davie, assigend to 113th company, has been removed for inactivity (26/6/2000) Crewman James Byars, assigned to 34th Recon Company, was removed for inactivity (30/6/2000) Lt (jg) Charon, CO of 13th company, left the Navy to become head of the IDC (4/7/2000) Crewman Shihoken, assigned to 114th company, disappeared from the memberlist. As his e-mail was unopperational earlier, this might not be a case of defection, but his account might have been removed. According to Cmdr Samurai he has been completely inactive since he has been assigned to his fleet. (12/7/2000) Crewman Mkleiber, assigned to 73rd Company, left the Empire to become neutral (6/7/2000) Crewman Darkrasor, assigend to 74th Company, was removed for inactivity (6/7/2000) Crewman Tiberius Trakin, assigend to 53rd Company, left the Empire (9/7/2000) Crewman Predator, assigned to 121st Company, was removed for inactivity (10/7/2000) Crewman Gendo Ikari, assigend to 123rd Company, was removed for inactivity (10/7/2000) Crewman Keego Lightdarker, assigned to 123rd Company, was removed for inactivity (10/7/2000) Crewman Akain, assigend to 124th company, was removed for inactivity (10/7/2000) Crewman Mik Til Gaan, asisgned to 126th Company, was removed from the Combine for breaking the Combine rules (10/7/2000) Crewman Hitman, CO of 126th Company, joined Naval Reserve untill he gets a new computer (10/7/2000) Fl-Cpl Mobidic, assigned to 53rd Company, left the Combine (12/7/2000) Crewman Krelian, assigned to 111th company, left the Combine (13/7/2000) Crewman Lanor, assigned to 114th Company, was removed for inactivity (13/7/2000) Crewman jamesbond523, assigned to 93rd Comapny, disappearded from the Empireīs memberlist. Cmdr Derrnon informed me that he defected to the Rebellion (14/7/2000) Crewman PHOENIX_ROLF, assigned to 136th Company, disappeared from the Empireīs memberlist. His case is under investigation. (14/7/2000) Promotions: Crewman Corbin Esco was promoted to Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. witha 10/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Yevel was promoted to Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. witha 10/10 (29/6/2000) Crewman Badlands, assigend to 134th company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl (29/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Grimilzikor, assigend to 133rd Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (29/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Graf Spea, assigned to 136th Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (29/6/2000) Ensign Kenobi, assigend to 131st Company, was promoted to Lt (jg) (29/6/2000) Lt-Cmdr Kast Derrnon, XO of 13th Fleet, was promoted to Cmdr (29/6/2000) Fl-Cpl Harja, assigned to 31st Recon Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (5/7/2000) Crewman Raijin, assigned to 36rd Recon Company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl and became CO of 36th Recon Company (5/7/2000) Lt Savk, XO of NCF, was promoted to Lt-Cmdr (9/7/2000) Lt Dwarth, CO of Epsilon Company, was promoted to Lt-Cmdr (9/7/2000) Fl-Cpl Pink, XO of Delta Company was promoted to Fl-Sgt (9/7/2000) Lt (jg) Jovakra Mirran, XO of 1st Fleet, was promoted to Lt (9/7/2000) Fl-Sgt Terrel, assigned to 111th Company,w as promoted to Ensign (12/7/2000) Fl-Sgt Griffin, CO 114th Company, got promoted to Ensign (12/7/2000) Fl-Cpl POOH, assigned to 113th Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (12/7/2000) Crewman Basmodea, assigned to 112th Company, got promoted to Fl-Cpl (12/7/2000) Fl-Cpl Raijin, CO of 36th Recon Company, got promoted to Fl-Sgt (12/7/2000) Fl-Cpl JodoKast, CO 33rd Recon Company, got promoted to Fl-Sgt (12/7/2000) Awards: Lt Morai MacEoin, CO 131st Company, got a LOC from Grand Moff Black Lodge (29/6/2000) Fl-Sgt OVERMIND, assigned to Epsilon Company, recived a LOC and a TEC from Grand Admiral Veynom for creating and leading an exemplary RPG for NCF (7/7/2000) Fl-Cpl Morpheus, assigend to 14th Company, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom for donating his personal ship to the Navy (7/7/2000) Ensign Summoning, CO of 42nd Company, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom on behalfe of Cmdr Thrawn24 for his work for 4th Fleet (7/7/2000) Flight-Sergeant Sala, assigned to 42nd Company, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom on behalfe of Cmdr Thrawn24 for his work for 4th Fleet (7/7/2000) Ensign Kaneda, CO 121st Company, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom on behalfe of Cmdr Uebles for his work for 12th Fleet (7/7/2000) Lt (jg) Lightdarker, XO of 12th Fleet, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom on behalf of Cmdr Uebles. for his work for 12th Fleet (7/7/2000) Cmdr Kast Derrnon, XO od 13th Fleet, recived a LOC from Grand Admiral Veynom for donating his personal ship to the Navy (7/7/2000) Other stuff: Fl-Sgt Tarrel, assigned to 111th Company, became XO of 111th Company Moff Miara Callahan resigned her position. (28/6/2000) Ensign Scythe, CO of 14th company, became the new SO of 1st Fleet (10/7/2000) Fl-Cpl Homtelium, XO of 124th company, became interim CO of 126th company. (10/7/2000) Ensign Kaneda, CO 121st Company, jojned Naval Reserve (10/7/2000) Cpt Pangborn joind NHQ Fleet. (11/7/2000) Fl-Cpl Kenny, assigned to 53rd Company, joined Naval reserve (12/7/2000) Fl-Sgt Condar, XO 114th Company, was relegated to Naval Reserve (13/7/2000) e-mail changes: Cmdr Samurai: [Mailaddress] Crewman Khalid: [Mailaddress] Crewman Hraja: [Mailaddress] Lt Stajda: [Mailaddress] ship assignment: unassigned INB Overlord from Ensign Kaneda the IBR Punisher has already been unassigned from Crewman Krelian unassigned ILS Energy 1-12 from Crewman Gendo Ikari unassigned ILS 133-144 from Crewman Mik Til Gaan unassigned IDS Weatherlight 1-12 from Crewman Davie the IDS Shadow Knight 1-12 has already been unassigned from Crewman jamesbond 523 unassigned the IDS Depopulator from Fl-Cpl Kenny uassigned ISG Jade Ghost from Crewman Gall the ISG Starlight has already been unassigned from Lt (jg) Charon the ISG Bounty has been unasigned from Crewman Tiberius Trakin unassigned IBF Xerxes from Crewman Judicator assigned IBF Xerxes to Crewman Vertigo the IBF Night Caller has already been unassigned from Crewmn Mkleiber unassigned IBF Farcaster from Crewman Keego Lightdarker unassigned IBF Elephant from Fl-Cpl Mobidic unassigned ISS Argus 1-12 from Crewman Hitman unassigned TIE/Ln Fire Rain from Crewman Phennir unassigned TIE/Ln Anvil 1-12 from Crewman Shihoken unassigned TIE/Ln Werewolf from Crewman Akain unassigned TIE/Ln Death 1-12 from Crewman Lanor unassigned TIE/Ln Puma 1-12 from Fl-Sgt Condar assigned TIE/Ln 1379-1390 to Crewman Bail Espa assigned TIE/Ln Richthofen (former TIE/Ln 1391-1402) to Crewman Fabian Kessler the Tie/Ln 1475-1486 have been assigned to Orion Roland Jenri For Pangborn Jake B Alun Tringad Are Wold IWAssassin Binak Algo Blackfear Catarina Kerr Charon Condar Jancen "Corinthian" Harkn Corman Count Uebles Cynic Rouge Darrian Carg Darik Vequir Drago Dran Nagar Dwarth Endorph Morbelis Gendo Ikari Gunther von Esling Griffin Halm Vendrella Huzz Lord Incubus Kaine JediMan84 Jennifer Dreighton Jones Joshua Pink Josh Ranjill Jospora Manzeen Jovakra Mirran Kaninen Tylger Karrde Keefus Kelyn Scythe Lord Sala Maarek Stele Machkhit Melvar Wells Nugehan Onijaya Outsider Pangborn Peich Plate Haigen POOH Quaxo Rhynaa Ryan Lightdarker Samurai Savk Simms Skills Sniper Spoz starreacher Steven Kenobi Summoning Surber Swerdilk Tarrel Thrawn24 Tiberius Tarkin Tidas Kelil Tiree Durmin Todtstelzer Torian Fetisov Veynom Vistate Vold Greyswan Xilan Ying Lee Zephlin Aībath Zero (=Zalasas) Zoombini Zuggs July 15th to July 24th Recruits sent to the INA: Crewman Tonfa Sartan ([Mailaddress], UIN: 75901626) (18/7/2000) fighter or scout unit interim CO: Manzeen Crewman Behrer ([Mailaddress], UIN: 9008142) (18/7/2000) fighter unit interim CO: Manzeen. Already selected starting location: Coruscant Crewman Jim Stratus ([Mailaddress]/[Mailaddress]) capital ship/transport unit interim CO: Manzeen. Already created his character. Crewman F22Raptor (official address: [Mailaddress], prefered address: [Mailaddress], UIN: 46509825) fighter/scout unit interim CO: Manzeen Crewman Sesor ([Mailaddress], UIN: 15533583) transport interim CO: Manzeen character already created. Wants to be assigned to 13th Fleet Crewman Zander Barcalow ([Mailaddress]) fighter unit interim CO: Manzeen Crewman Golan Trevize ([Mailaddress], UIN: 2123935) transport interim CO: Manzeen wants to be assigned to 5th Fleet; currently on Sluis Van Members of the Navy, who passed the A.R.I.T.: Crewman Aril Kolder 10/10 (15/7/2000) Crewman Marcus Kroell 9/10 (15/7/2000) Crewman Thrawn 9/10 (15/7/2000) Crewman Sephiroth 8/10 (15/7/2000) Crewman Darth Jodah 8/10 (15/7/2000) Crewman Lt. Guy 7/10 (15/7/2000) Crewman BlazingFire 10/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Hekels 10/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Rodeo 10/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Sesor Yrelnana 10/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Trajan 10/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman F22Raptor 9/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Golan Trevize 9/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Jim Stratus 9/10 (19/7/2000) Flight Sergeant Lord Sala 8/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Lyatt Quanvax 8/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman Redfield 8/10 (19/7/2000) Crewman tiger-2214 8/10 (19/7/2000) Assigned recruits: Crewman Marcus Kroell ([Mailaddress]), assigend to Delta Company (24/7/2000) assign TIE/Int Talon Crewman Aril Kolder ([Mailaddress], UIN: 43800304), assigend to Delta Company (24/7/2000) assign TIE/Int Hammerhead Cadet Tonfa Sartan ([Mailaddress], UIN: 75901626), assigend to Zeta Company (24/7/2000) Crewman F22Raptor (official address: [Mailaddress], prefered address: [Mailaddress], UIN: 46509825), assigned to Zeta Company (24/7/2000) Cadet TIBOSITO ([Mailaddress], UIN: 78864091), assigend to 13th Company (24/7/2000) Cadet behrer, ([Mailaddress], UIN: 9008142), assigned to 14th Company (24/7/2000) Crewman Sephiroth ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 14th Company (24/7/2000) Crewman Lt. Guy ([Mailaddress]), assigend to 112th company. (24/7/2000) Cadet Sithlord ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 21360832), assigend to 114th Company (24/7/2000) Crewman Redfield ([Mailaddress], UIN: 34447793), asisgend to 114th company (24/7/2000) assign TIE/Ln Anvil Cadet Trowa Barton ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 114th Company (24/7/2000) This is the same player as Cador Crewman Darth Jodah ([Mailaddress], UIN:42014151), assigend to 72nd Company (24/7/2000) assign TIE/B Rain Crewman bdragon ([Mailaddress]), assigned to 73rd Company (24/7/2000) assign ISG Preserver Cadet Veth Collare ([Mailaddress]), assigend to 73rd company Cadet Jace Hilbren ([Mailaddress], UIN: 57253724), asisgned to 73rd Company Fl-Cpl BlazingFire ([Mailaddress], UIN: 72996251), assigned to 74th Company (24/7/2000) Cadet demon ([Mailaddress], UIN: 2123935), assigend to 53rd Company (24/7/2000) Cadet Sly Beaver ([Mailaddress], UIN: 61252984), assigend to 53rd Company (24/7/2000) Cadet Gravison ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 33145627), assigend to 43rd company (24/7/2000) Crewman Jim Stratus ([Mailaddress]/ [Mailaddress]), assigend to 43rd Company (24/7/2000) assign IDS Black Star 1-12 Cadet Ru0t ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 77418658), assigend to 43rd Company Cadet Crewman Rorthron ([Mailaddress]), assigend to 44th company (24/7/2000) Crewman Zander Barcalow ([Mailaddress]), assigend to 44th Company (24/7/2000) Crewman Sesor ([Mailaddress], UIN: 15533583) (24/7/2000) assign IDS noname 72-83 Crewman Thrawn ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 58137726), asisgend to 123rd Company (24/7/2000) (handle: Grand Admiral Thrawn) assign ILS Energy 1-12 Crewman Lyatt Quanvax ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 46974912), assigned to 123rd Company (24/7/2000) assign ILF Farcaster Fl-Cpl Rodeo ([Mailaddress], UIN: 37878288), assigned to 123rd Company (24/7/2000) Cadet Jami Morgan ([Mailaddress], UIN: 81254023), assigend to 124th company (24/7/2000) Cadet Kirk Korax ([Mailaddress]; UIN: 71554607), asisgend to 126th Company (24/7/2000) Crewman tiger-2214 ([Mailaddress], UIN: 79433978), assigend to 33rd Recon Company Cadet MONTU ([Mailaddress], UIN: 56135053), assigend to 36th Recon Company One recruit couldnīt be assigned yet. Itīs Fl-Cpl Hekels. I, Uebles and Wold recived a few discomforting messages from him. He probably has two characters, maybe one of them with the rebells. So I asked Uebles to investigate. Members of the Navy who left: Crewman PHOENIX_ROLF, assigned to 136th Company, disappeared from the memberlist of the Empire. As his CO, Cmdr Derrnon, reported that he had problems with him earlier, this should be considered a case of defection. (15/7/2000) unassign TIE/sc noname 72 to 83 Crewman Roger, assigned to 73rd Company, was removed because of inactivity (16/7/2000) unassign ISG Preserver Crewman doublezer7, assigned to 73rd Company, was removed because of inactivity (16/7/2000) unassign IDS noname 84-95 Crewman Danallron, asisgend to 43rd Company, has been removed. He disappeared from the Empireīs memberlist and his inactivity has been confirmed by Cmdr Thrawn24 (21/7/2000) Captain Dark Trooper, CO of 8th Fleet, left the Navy (22/7/2000) - I havenīt unassigend his VSD Victory yet Lt Arkady Alekseyev, XO 8th Fleet, beacme CO of 8th Fleet. (22/7/2000) Lt (jg) Torian Fetisov, XO 83rd Company, became XO of 8th Fleet (22/7/2000) havenīt unassigend his ILS Stallion 1-12 yet Crewman Droideka, assigned to 43rd Company, was removed for inactivity (23/7/2000) Crewman Gall, assigend to 173rd Company, disappeared from the memberlist and his case has been put under investigation a month ago. As he is still not back on the memberlist and I didnīt get any arguments in his defence, he has been removed from the Navy and should be considered as a defector. (23/7/2000) Crewman Chronus Renault, assigend to 14th Company, disappeared form the Empireīs memberlist. I contacted his CO and asked him to investigate. (24/7/2000) Crewman Vleet Da Snooth has been revoved during the assignment process for not handing in needed documents to the INPO in almost a month (24/7/200) Crewman Yogurt has been revoved during the assignment process for not handing in needed documents to the INPO in almost a month (24/7/200) Promotions: Crewman Bail Espa was promoted to Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 10/10 Crewman Aril Kolder was promoted to Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 10/10 Other stuff: Fl-Sgt Graf Spea, assigned to 136th Company, became CO of 136th Company (15/7/2000) Ensign Zephlin Aībath, CO 91st Company, joined Naval Reserve on his own request (16/7/2000) unassign ILF Phoenix Lt Dwarth, CO of Epsilon Company, became CO of Alpha Company (17/7/2000) Crewman Krillo, assigend to Epsilon Company, beacme XO of Alpga Company (17/7/2000) Lt Skills, CO of Zeta Company, became CO of Epsilon Company (17/7/2000) SHIP! Fl-Sgt Corman, assigned to Zeta company, transfered to Epsilon Company (17/7/2000) SHIP! Fl-Cpl Hack_Skice, assigned to Zeta Company, transfered to Epsilon Company (17/7/2000) SHIP! Lt Veller Kan, assigend to 32st Recon comapyn, has been declared AWOL by his CO, Lt (jg) Zoombini (21/7/2000) Ensign Teredge, CO of 44th Company, became interim XO of 17th Fleet (23/7/2000) Ensign Kaneda, Naval Reserve, came back to active duty as CO of 121st Company (23/7/2000) Crewman Florian Kessler, assigned to 124th Company, now has a UIN: 78548209 Fl-Sgt OVERMIND, XO of Epsilon Company, became CO of Zeta Company (24/7/2000) Fl-Sgt Corman, assigend to Epsilon Company, became XO of Epsilon Company (24/7/2000) ship assignment: unassigend the TIE/Ln Archangel 1-12 from Ensign Dreg Teredge unassigned the TIE/Int Talon 1-12 from Griffin Spade unassigned TIE/Int 2063-2074 (formerly TIE/Int Hornet) from Jake B unassigned TIE/Int Saber from Savk assigned the TIE/Int Saber to Stajda unassigned the INB Silver Axe from Stajda assigned the INB Silver Axe to Savk unassigned GUN razorblade 1-12 from Hack_Skice unassigend the GUN Retribution from Skills assigend the GUN Retribution to Jake B unassigned GUN Thanatos 1-12 from Corman assigend GUN Thanatos 1-12 to OVERMIND July 25th to August 10th From Ranma: Jarik Tebis, [Mailaddress], UIN: 33331695 Jacen Aramintos, [Mailaddress], UIN: 83984728 Darth the Wise, [Mailaddress] Baron_Soontir_Fel, [Mailaddress] nunot, [Mailaddress], UIN: 1065445 KillerShadow, [Mailaddress] assigned recruits: Cadet Darthbuu, [Mailaddress], UIN:11426062, assigned to 43rd Company (26/7/2000) Cadet zarnoho, [Mailaddress], UIN: 44850245, assigned to 173rd Company (28/7/2000) Cadet Blark, [Mailaddress], UIN: 4795508, assigned to 174th Company (28/7/2000) Cadet Nil Tsair, official address: [Mailaddress], prefered address: [Mailaddress], UIN: 83359372, assigend to 53rd Company, (29/7/2000) Cadet Reynor Denton, [Mailaddress], UIN: 31226273, assigend to 174th Company (31/7/2000) Cadet Quicksilver, [Mailaddress], UIN: 67118000, assigend to 173rd Company (31/7/2000) Cadet Vincent, [Mailaddress], UIN: 67995805, assigend to 83rd Company (31/7/2000) Cadet Cavefish, [Mailaddress], UIN: 79486798, assigend to 84th Company (2/8/2000) Cadet HAL9000, [Mailaddress], UIN: 30414456, assigend to 93rd company (3/8/2000) Cadet NightBird, [Mailaddress], UIN: 666978, assigned to 33rd Recon Company (4/8/2000) Cadet Deacon Zander, [Mailaddress], assigned to 174th Company (4/8/2000) Cadet Venan, [Mailaddress], assigend to 44th Company (9/8/2000) Possible defectors: Ensign Cynic Rouge, CO od 54th Company, has disappeared form the Empireīs memberlist. His case has been put under investigation. (10/8/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Crewman Ashram, assigned to Delta company, was reported AWOL by Cpt Assassin (10/8/2000) Cadet Behrer, assigend to 14th Company, resigned of a lack of time. (2/8/2000) Admiral Gunther von Esling left the Navy for the ISB. (4/8/2000) Cadet Zander Barcalow, assigned to 44th company, was removed for insulting a superior officer (6/8/2000) Cadet Morgan has been removed for inactivity Crewman Gabriel Campos has been removed for inactivity With the NCF no longer being a part of the Navy the following members have to be listed as leaving the Navy as well: Commodore Tiree Durmin, CO of NCF (4/8/2000) Commander Vistate, XO of NCF (4/8/2000) Lt-Cmdr Xilan, CO of 1st Company (4/8/2000) Crewman Kench Yucan, assigend to 1st Company (4/8/2000) Crewman Ben Cīboath, assigend to 3rd Company (4/8/2000) Ensign Keefus, CO of 4th Company (4/8/2000) Fl-Cpl starreacher, assigned to 4th Company (4/8/2000) Lt (jg) Jospora Manzeen, assigend to 4th Company (4/8/2000) Crewman Orion Roland Jenru (4/8/2000) Promotions: Fl-Sgt JodoKast, CO 33rd Recon Company, was promoted to Ensign and recived a LOC for his work for the INA and the INPO (29/7/2000) Flt-Cpl Binak Algo, CO 123rd Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (31/7/2000) Flt-Cpl Fox Mulder, CO 124th Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (31/7/2000) Flt-Cpl Homtelium, interim CO 126th Company, became CO of 126th comapny and was promoted to Fl-Sgt (31/7/2000) Lt (jg) Podalire, 31st Recon Company, Dirctor of the INMD, was promoted to the rank of Lt for his work for the INMD (1/8/2000) Lt Alekseyev, CO of 8th Fleet, was promoted to the rank of Lt-Cmdr (8/3/2000) Awards: Fl-Sgt JodoKast, CO 33rd Recon Company, was promoted to Ensign and recived a LOC for his work for the INA and the INPO (29/7/2000) Lt Nhik Rath, assigned to 3rd Recon fleet, recived a TEC and the title of INA professor (1/8/2000) Fl-Cpl Morpheus, assigend to 14th company, recived a LOC on behalfe of the INPO for his unusual succes in recruiting new members to the Empire (3/8/2000) Cmdr Thrawn24, CO of 4th Fleet, recived the NAA for creating and managing the IRTC (3/8/2000) Lt Wold, CO of 112th company, recived a LOC for is work as A.R.I.T. examinator. (3/8/2000) Ensign Dreg Teredge, interim CO of 17th Fleet, recived a LOC on behalfe of his fleet CO, Cmdr Onijaya, for his work on the 17th Fleet webpage (3/8/2000) Transfers: Crewman Jake B, assigned to Epsilon Company, joined Naval Resreve on his own request (10/8/2000) Ensign Zephlin Abath came back to active duty as CO of 91st Company. (7/8/2000) Crewman Orion Roland Jenru transfered to NCF Other changes: Fl-Sgt Homtelium, CO of 126th Company, became the new SO of 12th Fleet. (31/7/2000) Crewman Jim Stratus, assigend to 43rd company, became CO of 43rd company (10/8/2000) Fl-Sgt Corman, XO of 25th Assault Company, became CO of 23rd Assault Company (10/8/2000) unassign ILS (120 to 131, asign ISG) Fl-Sgt Zalasas, CO of 12th Company, was replaced by Crewman Trajan because of his inactivity (10/8/2000) Crewman Trajan, assigend to 12th company, became CO of 12th Company. (10/8/2000) Chief Surgeon Ensign Goth has a new e-mail address: [Mailaddress] August 11th to August 20th Sent to the INPO from Ranma: Karl Kritkeen, [Mailaddress] (1st choice: Scout) (12/8/2000) Paul Berrow, [Mailaddress] (1st choivce: Capital ship, NO 2nd choice) (12/8/2000) disappeared from the memberlist during the assignment process. Macen Stafforde, [Mailaddress], UIN: 13260467 (1st choice: Capital ship, NO second choice) (12/8/2000) Shadowreaper, [Mailaddress]/[Mailaddress] (Prefrerences: CS, Fighter, Scout, Transport) (12/8/2000) Ironius Giantsman, [Mailaddress], UIN: 21451111 (prefs: CS, Transport, Fighter, Scout, bomber) (12/8/2000) Ares Stormbringer, [Mailaddress] (prefs: fighter, scout, bomber) (15/8/2000) Defflynn, [Mailaddress], UIN: 62510974 (prefs: transport, scout, capital ship) character allready created (15/8/2000) Light Pol, [Mailaddress], UIN: 60422969 (prefs: scout, fighter, capital ship) female! Wants to serve in 5th fleet, for her husband is assigned to 53rd Company (15/8/2000) Nightmover, [Mailaddress] (Prefs: Capital ship, transport, fighter, scout) (15/8/2000) Khardel, [Mailaddress] (Prefs: capital, trasnport, scout, fighter) (15/8/2000) Duran Filewn, [Mailaddress], UIN: 86069858 (Prefs: Capital, transport, scout, bomber) (15/8/2000) Adam Barry, [Mailaddress], UIN: 58226162 (Prefs: capital, transport, fighter, bomber, scout) (17/8/2000) James Kadar, [Mailaddress], UIN: 78878180 (Prefs: capital, transport, fighter, bomber, scout) (19/8/2000) Assignments: Darth The wise, [Mailaddress], assigned to 14th Company (11/8/2000) Baron_Soontir_Fel, [Mailaddress], assigend to 52nd Company (11/8/2000) KillerShadow, [Mailaddress], assigned to 34th Recon Company (11/8/2000) Fl-Cpl Polarisruner, [Mailaddress], UIN: 27981728, returned form an NFG and was assigned to 81st Company (20/8/2000) Fl-Cpl Hekels, [Mailaddress], UIN: 49639720, has been cleared by Cpt Uebles and was assigned to 13th Company (20/8/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Crewmen Reiziger, assigned to 13th Company, was removed for inactivity (11/8/2000) Crewman Melkhior, assigned to 13th Company, was removed for inactivity (11/8/2000) Fl-Sgt Zalasas (handle: Zero), assigned to 12th Company, was removed for inactivity (11/8/2000) Cadet Venan, assigned to 44th Company was excluded from the Empire by Director Kiie under the new policy not to allow anyone who was a Rebel into the Empire (12/8/2000) Crewman Basmodean, assigned to 112th Company, left the Combine (13/8/2000) Fl-Cpl BlazingFire, assigned to 74th Company, left for the Hapes Consortium (15/8/2000) Crewman DakotaJack, assigned to 74th Company, left for the Hapes Consortium (15/8/2000) Crewman Gelin Duath, assigned to 82nd Company left or was removed (no details about this from his fleet CO) (16/8/2000) Crewman Deros Telmarkin, assigned to 82nd Company left or was removed (no details about this from his fleet CO) (16/8/2000) Crewman Kamakazi911, assigned to 82nd Company left or was removed (no details about this from his fleet CO) (16/8/2000) Possible defectors: Fl-Cpl BlazingFire, assigned to 74th Company, disappeared form the Empireīs memberlist. His fleet CO was informed and his case has been put under investigation. BlazingFire is currently on leave untill the end of August, so no quick results are to be expected. (15/8/2000) Transfers: Fl-Cpl Corbin Esco, assigned to 113th Company, was transfered to 111th Company (13/8/2000) Promotions: Crewman Khalid, 33rd Recon Company, has been promoted to Fl-Cpl. (11/8/2000) Fl-Cpl Hack Skice, assigend to 25th Assault Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (13/8/2000) ship assignments: assigned the ILF Decrypter to Fl-Cpl Polarisruner (20/8/2000) unassigned IDS Fastball from crewman Reiziger (20/8/2000) assigend IDS Fastball to Fl-Cpl Hekels (20/8/2000) unassigned ILS Galahad from Crewman Melkhior (20/8/2000) unassigned TIE/B Hellspawn from Fl-Sgt Zalasas (20/8/2000) unassigned TIE/B Ravage from Crewman Basmodean (20/8/2000) unassigned TIE/B Dragon from Crewman Gelin Duath (20/8/2000) unassigned IBF Venom from Crewman Deros Telmarkin (20/8/2000) unassigned TIE/Ln Reaver from Crewman Kamakazi911 (20/8/2000) unassigned IBF Sundog from Fl-Cpl Corbin Esco (20/8/2000) assigned INB Malevolent to Fl-Cpl Corbin Esco (20/8/2000) Lieutenant(jg) LocuS, XO 4th Fleet, was promoted to Lieutenant (14/8/2000) Ensign Jones, CO 41st Company, was promoted to Lieutenant (jg) (14/8/2000) Flt Srg Tidas Kelil, 41st Company was promoted to Ensign (14/8/2000) Flt Corp Josh Ranjill, XO 44th Company, became CO of 44th Company and was promoted to Flt Srg. (14/8/2000) August 21st to August 27th Sent by Ranma: Darth Craig, [Mailaddress], 83930103 (prefs: Fighter, bomber,scout) (26/8/2000) Josh Nayr, [Mailaddress] (prefs: capital ship, transport, fighter, scout) (26/8/2000) allready created character and selected Caprionril as starting location Wees Most, [Mailaddress], 39540835 (prefs: fighter, bomber, scout) (26/8/2000) Assignments: Cadet Macen Stafforde, [Mailaddress], UIN: 13260467, assigned to 83rd Company (21/8/2000) Cadet Jarik Tebis, [Mailaddress], UIN: 33331695, assigend to 25th Assault Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Corgan, [Mailaddress], UIN: 70561156, assigend to 25th Assault Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Ironius Giantsman, [Mailaddress], UIN: 21451111, assigend to 25th Assault Company (26/8/2000) Cadet nunot, [Mailaddress], UIN: 11065445, assigned to 12th Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Karl Kritkeen, [Mailaddress], assigned to 96th Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Ares Stormbringer, [Mailaddress], assigned to 96th Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Defflynn, [Mailaddress], UIN: 62510974, assigned to 96th Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Shadowreaper, [Mailaddress]/[Mailaddress], assigned to 25th Assault Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Nightmover, [Mailaddress], assigned to 13th Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Khardel, [Mailaddress], assigned to 126th Company (26/8/2000) Cadet Duran Filewn, [Mailaddress], UIN: 86069858, assigned to 136th Company (27/8/2000) Adam Barry, [Mailaddress], UIN: 58226162, assigned to 74th Company (27/8/2000) James Kadar, [Mailaddress], UIN: 78878180, assigned to 74th Company (27/8/2000) Cadet Light Pol, [Mailaddress], UIN: 60422969, asisgned to 54th Company (27/8/2000) Reassignments: Fl-Cpl Polarisruner was reassigned to the newly created 171st Company and became interim CO of 171st Company (21/8/2000) Members of the Navy who left: Lt Surber, acting CO 131st Company, was removed from his position and 13th Fleet about four weeks ago (communication from Lt (jg) Kenobi on 22/8/2000) It has been confirmed by Lt-Cmdr Todtstelzer, XO of 5th Fleet, that Ensign Cynic Rouge, CO 54th Company, left for CyberTech. (27/8/2000) unassign TIE Mlojnir Fl-Cpl Placid, CO 53rd Company, was removed for inactivity (27/8/2000) unassign ILS pegasus Promotions: Ensign Teredge, XO of 17th Fleet, was promoted to Lt(jg) (21/8/2000) Lt (jg) Torian Fetisov, XO of 8th Fleet, has been promoted to Lt (21/8/2000) Ensign Ying Lee, CO 82nd Company, was promoted to Lt(jg) (21/8/2000) Fl-Cpl Spoz, XO 82nd Company, has been promoted to Ensign (21/8/2000) Fl-Cpl Jedi Anger, XO of 84th Company, has been promoted to Ensign (21/8/2000) Crewman Doole, assigend to 131st Company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl (23/8/2000) other stuff: Lt (jg) Steven Kenobi, assigend to 131st Company, became XO of 131st Company (23/8/2000) Fl-Sgt Grimizikor, assigned to 133rd Company, became CO of 133rd Company (23/8/2000) ship assigments: unassign ILF Decrypter from Fl-Cpl Polarisruner ASAP (couldnīt unassign it on 21/8/2000, probably becaus eitīs travelling) assigned the ICC Forbidden to Fl-Cpl Polarisruner (21/8/2000) August 28th to September 7th assigned recruits: Darth Craig, [Mailaddress], 83930103, assigned to 92nd Company (29/8/2000) Josh Nayr, [Mailaddress], assigned to 53rd Company (29/8/2000) Wees Most, [Mailaddress], 39540835, assigned to 92nd Company (29/8/2000) Ilkar Tessus, [Mailaddress], assigend to 123rd Company (3/9/2000) MaverickMB, [Mailaddress], UIN: 74876860, assigend to 124th Company (2/9/2000) Aeryn Sun, [Mailaddress], UIN: 74876860, assigend to 124th Company (2/9/2000) Bobazorro, [Mailaddress], assigend to 123rd Company (3/9/2000) ArKaaN, [Mailaddress], assigend to 124rd Company (3/9/2000) Oshay, [Mailaddress], UIN: 25353375, assigned to 123rd Company possible defectors: I asked the fleet COs to start an investigation on the following members of the Navy, who disappeared from the Empireīs memberlist: Cadet Shadowreaper, assigend to 25th Assault Company (30/8/2000) Cadet Korax, assigend to 126th company (30/8/2000) Crewman Vertigo, assigend to 13th company (3/9/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Cadet Korax, assigend to 126th company, left the Combine (at least this is what his CO told me. As he also dieappeared from the memberlist, he probably left the Empire, but not the Combine) (31/8/2000) Cadet MONTU, assigend to 36th Recon Company, was removed for inactivity (3/9/2000) Cadet Bobazerro, assigend to 123rd Company, left the Combine (4/9/2000) Cadet Sly Beaver, assigend to 53rd company, was removed for inactivity (5/9/2000) Crewman James Little, assigned to 34th Recon Company, left for the Hapes Consortium (5/9/2000) Navyroster! Fl-Cpl Zuggs, CO 72nd Company, has been removed for inactivity (6/9/2000) promotions: Lt Dwarth, CO of 21st Assault Company, was promoted to Lt-Cmdr (28/8/2000) Crewman Krillo, XO of 21st Assault Company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl (28/8/2000) Fl-Sgt OVERMIND, CO of 26th Assault Company, was promoted to Ensign (28/8/2000) other stuff: Fl-Cpl POOH, assigend to 113th Compayn, joined Naval Reserve on his own request (30/8/2000) unassign ISG Deliverance Ensign Kaneda, CO of 121st Company, became XO of 12th Fleet (31/8/2000) Flt-Sgt Binak Algo, CO of 123rd Company, became CO of 121st Company (31/8/2000) Flt-Cpl Rodeo, assigend to 123rd Company, tarnsferred to 121st Company (31/8/2000) Crewman Lyatt Quanvax, assigend to 123rd Company, tarsnferred to 121st Company (31/8/2000) Crewman Thrawn, assigned to 123rd Company, beacem acting CO of 123rd Company (31/8/2000) Fl-Cpl Binak Algo, CO of 121st Company, became the new Assignment Officer of 12th Fleet (3/9/2000) Cmdr Kaninen, CO of 9th Fleet was reported AWOL and transfered to Naval Reserve (4/9/2000) unassign VSD Saratoga Cmdr Huzz Lord, XO of 11th Fleet, became CO of 9th Fleet (4/9/2000) unassign VSD Vulcan; assign VSD Saratoga Fl-Cpl Tiberius Tarkin came back to active duty as CO of 53rd company (5/9/2000) assign ISG Bounty Crewman Golan Trevize, assigend to 53rd comapny, became XO of 53rd company (5/9/2000) Changes of address: Lt-Cmdr Death Lord has a new e-mail-address: [Mailaddress] Fl-Cpl Agoff, 114th Company, changed his e-mail address to [Mailaddress] Cadet Macen Stafforde, 83rd Company, changed his address to [Mailaddress] Fl-Cpl Tarkin, CO 53rd Company, changed his addres to [Mailaddress] Lt-Cmdr Endorph: [Mailaddress] awards: Lt (jg) Lightdarker, CO of 12th Fleet, recived the FCO ribbon for completing his Fleet CO exam witha 16/20 (30/8/2000) The following members recived the six-month-of-service-ribbon on September 5th: Lt Torian Fetisov ([Mailaddress]), XO 8th Fleet Lt Jovakra Mirran ([Mailaddress]), XO 1st Fleet Lt Veller Kan ([Mailaddress]), 31st Company Lt(jg) Steven Kenobi ([Mailaddress]), XO 131st company Ensign Goth ([Mailaddress]), CO 73rd Company Ensign OVERMIND ([Mailaddress]), CO 26th Assault Company Ensign Kaneda ([Mailaddress]), XO 12th Fleet Ensign JodoKast ([Mailaddress]), CO 33rd Recon Company Fl-Sgt Fox Mulder ([Mailaddress]), CO 124th Company Fl-Sgt Binak Algo ([Mailaddress]), CO 121st Company Fl-Sgt Rabu Tarrin ([Mailaddress]), 31st Company Fl-Sgt Joshua Pink ([Mailaddress]), XO 24th Assault Company Fl-Sgt Graf Spea ([Mailaddress]), CO 136th Company Fl-Sgt Wytzigo ([Mailaddress]), XO 94th Company Fl-Sgt Homtelium ([Mailaddress]), CO 126th Company Fl-Cpl Spoz ([Mailaddress]), XO 82nd Company Fl-Cpl Zuggs ([Mailaddress]), CO 72nd Company, 7th Fleet Fl-Cpl Darrik Vequir ([Mailaddress]), 36th Recon Company Fl-Cpl Tred ([Mailaddress]), 134th Company Fl-Cpl Khalid ([Mailaddress]), XO 33rd Recon Company Fl-Cpl Badlands ([Mailaddress]), 134th Company Fl-Cpl Jacen Agoff ([Mailaddress]), 114th Company Fl-Cpl Novarius ([Mailaddress]), 93rd Company Fl-Cpl James Bond ([Mailaddress]), 173rd company Fl-Cpl Tiberius Tarkin ([Mailaddress]), CO 53rd Company Crewman Lyatt Quanvax ([Mailaddress]), 121st Company Crewman Jerec ([Mailaddress]), 41st Company Crewman Garkik Darksaber ([Mailaddress]), 44th Company Crewman Johnny Storm ([Mailaddress]), 12th Company Crewman Chronus Renault ([Mailaddress]), 14th Company Crewman Tain ([Mailaddress]), 54th Company Crewman JBrule ([Mailaddress]), 41st Company Crewman Decker ([Mailaddress]), 174th Company Crewman Val Fi Ton ([Mailaddress]), 83rd Company Crewman Drath Meldect ([Mailaddress]), 54th Company Crewman Goland Trevize ([Mailaddress]), 53rd Company Crewman Johann ([Mailaddress]), 84th Company Currently in Naval Reserve Lt Ingtar Fl-Cpl POOH Fl-Cpl Wicked Fl-Cpl Daven Morad Crewman art00det00 Crewman Jake B Crewman Carmac Crewman Hitman Crewman Kenny ship assignements: unassigned the ILS Severety from Lt Surber (31/8/2000) assigned IDS Depopulator to Crewman Trevize (6/9/2000) The following members of the Nayv passed the medical exam on 5/9/2000: Medical Assistant Dreighton (10/10) Medical Assistant Knightsoul (8/10) Medical Assistant Vyk Draygo (7/10) Medical Assistant Sephiroth (6/10) September 8th to 18th Assigned recruits: Mirco Hilvez, [Mailaddress], ICQ: 89297259, assigend to 25th Assault Company (10/9/2000) Hendrixson, [Mailaddress], assigend to 123rd Company (17/9/2000) JohnViraxo, [Mailaddress], ICQ: 74327110, assigend to 113th Company (17/9/2000) Gilad Pellaeon ([Mailaddress]), assigend to 113th Company (17/9/2000) Possible defectors: Cadet Shadowreaper, assigend to 25th Assault Company disappeared from the Empireīs memberlist. I ordered his CO to start an investigation (17/9/2000) Members of the Navy, who left: Lt Darian Carg, XO of 9th Fleet, transfered to the Imperial Command Forces (11/9/2000) Crewman Thrawn, acting CO of 123rd Company, left the Combine (11/9/2000) Lt Mirran, CO of 1st Fleet, left the Empire (11/9/2000) Cadet Adam Berry, assigned to 74th Company had to be removed, as he canīt run the ICIS on his computer (14/9/2000) Cadet James Kadar, assigned to 74th company was removed for inactivity/unoperational e-mail address (14/9/2000) Crewman Titus Corbio was removed from the Naval Reserve upon his own request (17/9/2000) Crewman Art00det00 was removed from the Naval Reserve upon his own request (17/9/2000) Crewman CBaoth was removed from the Naval Reserve upon his own request (17/9/2000) Crewman Kenny was removed from the Naval Reserve upon his own request (17/9/2000) Lt-Cmdr Rahvin was removed from the Naval Reserve upon his own request (17/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Wicked was removed from the Naval Reserve upon his own request (17/9/2000) The follwoing members of the Navy, who were assigned to Naval Reserve, have been removed on 17/9/2000, because theire e-mail addres is no longer valid: Ensign TCS Eagle Commander Wicket Fl-Sgt Mazzic Fl-Cpl Daven Morad Promotions: Cadet Nightbird, assigned to 33rd Recon Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 19/20 (10/9/2000) Cadet Cavefish, assigned to 84th Company, was promoted to Crewman for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 18/20 (10/9/2000) Cadet Tonfa Sartan, assigned to 26th Assault Company, was promoted to Crewman for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 18/20 (10/9/2000) Cadet Zarnoho, assigned to 173rd Company, was promoted to Crewman for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 18/20 (10/9/2000) Ensign Zephlin Aībath, CO of 91st Company, became XO of 9th Fleet was promoted to the rank of Lt(jg) (10/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Matt Tull, assigend to 94th Company, became the new SO of 9th Fleet and was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (10/9/2000) Crewman Jake Thomas, assigend to 74th company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl (12/9/2000) Fl-Sgt Outsider, XO of 74th Company, was promoted to Lt (jg) (12/9/2000) Ensign Goth, CO of 73rd Company, was promoted to the rank of Lt (jg) (12/9/2000) Lt (jg) Maarek Stele, CO of 74th Company, was promoted to Lt (12/9/2000) Lt-Cmdr Death Lord, XO of 7th Fleet, was promoted to Cmdr (12/9/2000) Ensign Summoning, CO of 42nd Company, was promoted to Lt (jg) (15/9/2000) Crewman Jim Stratus, CO of 43rd Company, was promoted to Fl-Cpl (15/9/2000) other stuff: Ensign Incubus Kaine, XO of 91st Company, joined Naval Reserve upon his own request (10/9/2000) Ensign Alun Tringad, CO of 94th Company, bercame CO of 91st Company (10/9/2000) Ensign Griffin, CO 114th Company, became interim XO of 11th Fleet. (12/9/2000) Fl-Cpl NightBird, assigend to 33rd Recon Company, was trasnfered to 34th Recon Company (13/9/2000) Lt (jg) Goth, CO of 73rd Company, became XO of 71st Company (15/9/2000) Lt (jg) Outsider, XO of 74th Company, became CO of 73rd Company (15/9/2000) Lt (jg) Podalire, assigend to 31st Company, joined Naval Reserve on his own request (15/9/2000) Fl-Sgt Drageo, XO 31st Company, was reported AWOL (16/9/2000) Change of address: Fl-Sgt Joshua Pink: [Mailaddress] Lt Veller Kan: [Mailaddress] Fl-Cpl Tred: [Mailaddress] September 19th to members of the navy, who left: Fl-Cpl Bond, assigend to 173rd company, was banned from the Combine some time ago, notice from Onijaya on 19/9/2000 Fl-Cpl Trajan, CO of 12th Company, left the Combine (20/9/2000) Crewman Dende Guru, assigend to 173rd Company, left the Combine (20/9/2000) Crewman Chester Decker, assigend to 173rd Company, left the Navy (20/9/2000) Crewman Gorynel, assigend to 173rd Company, left the Navy (20/9/2000) Lt-Cmdr Todtstelzer, XO of 5th Fleet, left the Empire (22/9/2000; listed with NR now) Lt Blackfear, CO of 52nd Comapny, left the Navy for a position in Imperial Intelligence (25/9/2000) promotions/demotions: Cadet Trowa Barton, assigend to 114th company, was promoted to Cadet (20/9/2000) Crewman Guy, assigend to 112th company, became XO of 112th Company and was promoted to Fl-Cpl (20/9/2000) Crewman Redfield, assigend to 114th company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (20/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Corbin Esco, assigend to 111th Company, was promoted to Fl-Sgt (20/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Agoff, assigned to 114th Company, was promoted to the rtank of Ensign and became CO of 114th Company (20/9/2000) Fl-Sgt Condar, assigend to 114th Company, was promoted to the rank of Ensign and became XO of 114th Comapany (20/9/2000) Ensign JediMan84, assigend to, was promoted to the rank of Lt(jg) (20/9/2000) Ensign Griffin, interim XO of 11th Fleet, became XO of 11th Fleet and got promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (20/9/2000) Ensign Tarrel, assigned to 111th Company, was demoted for being AWOL to the rank of Fl-Sgt (20/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Jim Stratus, CO of 43rd company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt for passing the A.R.I.T. with a 19/20 (22/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Wild Dog, CO of 54th Comapny,w as promoted to Fl-Sgt (25/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Tiberius Tarkin, CO of 53rd Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (25/9/2000) Crewman Golan Trevize, XO of 53rd Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Cpl (25/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Dandrei, assigned to 52nd Company, was promoted to the rank of Fl-Sgt (25/9/2000) Test results: Fl-Cpl Jim Stratus passed the A.R.I.T. with a 19/20 Crewman Val Fi Ton passed the A.R.I.T. with a 18/20) other stuff: Lt (jg) Teredge, interim XO of 17th Fleet, became XO of 17th Fleet (19/9/2000) Lt (jg) Wells, CO of 51st Company, joined Naval Reserve, because he is not able to play at the moment (22/9/2000) Cmdr Kaninen, assigend to NR, came back to active duty as a member of 21st Assault Company (26/9/2000) Fl-Cpl Wild Dog, assigend to 54th Company, became CO of 54th company (22/9/2000) Change of address: Jim Stratus: [Mailaddress]