TITLE : Grand Re-Opening of Casino Infinity
Press release from the Board of Directors of Casino Infinity
Attention all fun loving citizens of the galaxy!
First and foremost I would like to announce that the Casino is under new ownership. I, Kam Farlight, have taken over control of the Casino from my one time partner, Zorran Black. Due to all the craziness surrounding Zorran and CSS at the moment he decided to sell his majority share to me thus giving me total control of the entire operation. It is because of these events that I am proud to announce the Grand Re-Opening of Casino Infinity . For the next two standard weeks this joyous ocassion will be met with some rather exclusive promotions to reward our loyal patrons and create new ones. During this event several promotions will be run so here are the details:
- The gambler that takes home the most winnings walks away with as a bonus: a free squad of Y-TIEs
- The gambler that loses the most credits walks away with as a bonus: a free squad of Y-TIEs
- Also every gambler placing a minimum of 10,000 credits worth of bets during this event will receive a number and at the end of the event a drawing will be held and there will be three prizes awarded:
~ Grand Prize: 10 Y-TIEs
~ 2nd Prize: 3 DSTs
~ 3rd Prize: Z-95
- Lastly the first 20 new accounts opened; betting between 25,000 and 100,000 credits will receive double the chips per credit up to the maximum of 200,000 chips.
I thank all those patrons that have kept the Casino running during the previous turbulent times and stress that this is a fresh start for the classiest casino in the galaxy. Remember not only do we provide you with the best odds in some of the most loved and respected games of chance the galaxy has to offer but we also have live entertainment as well. DO NOT forget that we only book the most well known singers and comedians in the galaxy to perform in the Farlight Lounge and over in the Den of Thieves, we provide the kind of LIVE entertainment that you have all grown to expect from us. So make sure you drop by during this great event and take advantage of all we have to offer.