As you scan through the Holonet, you come to an interesting announcement...
According to Omega Order research, the plague is just well developed plot by the Rebel Alliance to stop the Dark Empire and Galactic Empire merger. The rebels believed that if the DE and GE forgot about the merger, it won\'t go through. Well too bad, it\'s still on the table and many are still debating it. The rebels forgot about all of the logs, reports, and journals kept by most humans in the universe.
The soap factory has nothing to do with this so called plague. The soap produced is 100% perfect for your cleaning needs. I use it, as well as many others I know. The criminals processed are scanned for viruses and bacteria that are harmful to humans. They are cleaned even before they are sent to the factory. So please disregard the rebels and their propaganda. As we all know that the Empire is in firm control of this conflict, and the rebels are criminals wishing to control the galaxy to further themselves in commerce.