Law experts of the Alliance and allies were consulted recently, to view the laws of the Empire to discover the alleged speedy and yet fair path of Imperial Justice. The following was quickly pointed out:
- After weeks of being imprisoned with the so-accurately-termed Imperial Hopsitality, being questioned by the likes of the Director of Intelligence and company, few would be able to stand it. If one believes he or she who is arriving in their jails is guilty, they will force the point out of their mouths. The strain put on one is such that they will eventually believe they indeed did do the crime. Such things have been known to happen in the past under the hands of the oh-so-fair law system of the Empire.
- Vigo Acria Larkin was above all, a Diplomat, and any fair group would recognize this and would have given her Diplomatic Immunity. Turn her down perhaps, but one of the most dishonerable acts is to arrest a Diplomat, no matter the group he or she represents. Unless she was travelling with a fleet of ships and declaring war - thus revoking her status as an emmisarry - the act places the Hutt Council as a group deserving of no trust. Those who deal with the Hutt Council are dealing with a group who would sacrifice honour and morals, and the general rights of any person just to please the Galactic Empire. If they cannot accept one‘s past and deal with one‘s present, they are nothing more than Bounty Hunters. Their lack of honour surpasses that of any Bounty Hunter. At least a Bounty Hunter knows the ’no-hunt-zones‘ and respects them. The Hutt Council collects Bounties that earn them not money, but personal favor from the Emperor. What exactly is the huge difference though, that sets apart the Hutt Council‘s most recent actions and that of a Bounty Hunter? (In a positive fashion. The negative aspects already outweigh that of any Bounty Hunter)
It is left to the Citizens of the Galaxy to decide the fairness of the Galactic Empire, when so many factors of this arrest were casually ignored. It is left to the Citizens of the Galaxy to weigh the honour of the Hutt Council, Traders of souls and goods. It is left to the Citizens of the Galaxy, dispite what any may tell you. Perhaps more information will be released when Vigo Acria Larkin is herself released... Though no time limit was actually specified on when she would be released. Perhaps the justice of the Empire is indeed still a shallow illusion after all. ’Spending some time inprisoned‘ can mean almost anything.
Then again, perhaps the Hutt Council‘s unbending and unquestioning faith in the Empire and all that they do will make everything okay. It is this reporter‘s suggestion however, not to count too much on that. It is always one‘s choice to choose what one will, however. A fact the Empire might not agree with, but remains nonetheless.